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Accidental discharge, fatal shooting, lasting ramifications. People now hate me.


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Ok so...first and foremost... this was not in real life. Just to clarify that, from the click-bait-ish subject line.


Have you guys ever had something that you did, bleed over into a reload from a previous save? I had an odd one last night. I've fixed it, but I wanted to share, and see if anybody else has had anything like this happen.


Ok, so I fast travel from the undground bunker that I have outside of Concord to the Market District in Diamond City.

I figure ok, while the screen loads, I'm gonna get up and go to the restroom.

I go do my thing, come back and go to pick up the controller as I sit down.

Accidentally tap the trigger button, and shoot an unsuspecting bystander sitting at the noodle stand in the back. Fatally killing her.

Naturally, all hell breaks loose and everybody in DC starts to come after me.



"Ugh. Ok, reload previous save" Thinks I. Which I promptly do.

Fast travel back into DC market. Everybody comes after me as soon as I load in.

"Ohhhkay. This ain't right. Lets try that again." Thinks I. Rinse and repeat. Same thing.


FORTH time to try to fast travel into DC. This time, I'm a little aggravated. To the point that if they wanna fight, I'll give them a fight.

This time tho, I'm loaded from a save two saves prior, and packing a posse with me.


We pop in, and all hell breaks loose. All I hear is various gunfire from every direction around me. I sit back and watch as 6 companions gun the hell out Diamond City. I think the highlight was watching Nick send Nat flying halfway across the square from a barrage from a Pancor Jackhammer loading explosive rounds. (Yes Anakin, this is why you don't charge somebody who has the high ground...!

Especially when they are all on a narrow flight of stairs!)


So anyway. After they massacre DC Square (or is that diamond?) I just force-close the game. No auto-save, or anything, just force close it down.

Go about doing a few other things, and come back again a few hours later.

Load up that last save, and travel to DC. (this time ready for a fight.)


After shutting the game down, the condition in DC is gone, and I'm able to freely go on about my business of legally taking the vendors for every cap they have, due to the huge amount of stuff that me and my 6 companions are carrying.


Any of you ever have conditions like that bleed over into other saves?

Edited by StormWolf01
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Never had such a situation.


I tend to keep my weapon(s) holstered when in a major settlement though. Thus preventing accidental discharges.


The other day I did run into some guy called Parker Quinn who apparently wanted to sell me some kind of charge card thing.

Sorta semi-accidentally shot him before he even had a change to introduce himself. I regret nothing.

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Rampage, heyas.



I tend to keep my weapon(s) holstered when in a major settlement though. Thus preventing accidental discharges.

Yeah, that kinda makes sense. Good point. :yes:

Or maybe I shoulda assumed the controller was loaded before I picked it up. (No snark there, I'm joking around).


Ugh. Quinn. The charge card guy.

Not very often does he survive an encounter with me. I've gotten pretty good at bouncing a grenade off of him as he walks away :D


No regrets. Nope, not any.

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Yes, I had a game that I had to totally restart and go back to a prior save to clean. From what I understand, doing some research, a total reboot has to be done as some residue of the game's actions can stay in active.


Hey StormWolf - I'm going to start a new thread based on this! :dry:

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Oh cool, a thread about how to not accidentally blow pixel people away! I'm on it!

LOL Just kidding. Already replied to the other thread :D Woohoo! I was inspirational! :D

Yeah, I may have another one of those total reboot situations on my hands. This one I think windows did it, and now I'm gonna just have to grit my teeth and reboot the laptop.

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