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Ridiculously enhanced skills ineffective?


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First off, I'm using the Xbox. I got tired of upgrading my computer every time Bethesda released a new game.


Anyhow...I used the enchanting/alchemy loop to create powerful magical items. However, oddly enough, I find that my ridiculously enhanced sneak ring makes everyone see me all the time, whereas without it, I sneak fine. Is there some limit beyond which the numbers just freak out, or what?


Should I just focus on getting a good, but normal ranged sneak enhancement? Are there other skills that behave the same thing?

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Yes, if you fortify/enhance a skill beyond a certain point, it rolls back over to zero...... not sure what the exact value is.


I play on PC, and use a plugin to allow larger values for skills to be effective. I am running skyrim on the same machine that I played oblivion on, and skyrim actually runs better/more stable.....

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As this is a PC modding site, and few of us bother with xbox because modding them is not allowed. Don't be surprised if answers are slow to come and not really either specific or helpful. You may have better luck on an xbox specific site.


My guess, it rolls over to zero at some value. Find that value & keep your enhancement below it. The value may not be the same on Xbox as PC.


As for modding xbox -

Mods are not allowed by either xbox or PS3 we do not support modding on them in any way here. If you want more information, here is a link to the site policy on modding consoles.


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First off, I'm using the Xbox. I got tired of upgrading my computer every time Bethesda released a new game.


Yeah! I know what you mean "Damn Bethesda, stop improving graphics, gameplay, immersion etc. etc. and just make us warmed up versions of the same game with the same graphics, same lameplay (did I made a spelling error...nah) etc. (just like COD..works like a charm) oh and could you please call every game from now on TES: Groundhog Day? oh and what was wrong with C64? I was pretty happy with Pac Man why did you force me to upgrade my C64 in first place? Damn creative progress!"


You know that the people who can answer your question best are the same people who are not tired of investing in their computers (or better hobby) right?


Please take no offense, its only that every time I hear people "tired" of upgrading their computers whenever a Bethesda Game comes out (every 5 to 10 Years)...well ah forget it!

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Sneaking just plain sucks in the vanilla game. Some people say it's OP, but it's never going to be like wearing a Chinese stealth armor in FO3.


You just have to get used to doing a lot of illusion spells/potions or just give up trying to be stealthy. Here's what it boils down to:


You need the Stealth perks (which require you to have earned Sneak skill points).


You need to be quiet about your movement and attacks, which is usually not a problem if you have muffle-enchants on your boots.


You need invisibility (spell or potion) for every time you turn visible.

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