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NPC ammo number


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Does anyone know how the number of rounds is formed in an NPC inventory? As far as I understand, each weapon has its own ammo list. For example, the Pipe Gun has LL _Ammo_PipeGunSA, which can generate 4-8 .38 caliber rounds, but for some reason NPCs may have 3, or 12, or 15 such rounds. And this is without Scrounger perk. What's the catch?

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I don't think NPCs usually use ammo except for missile, fatman and maybe cannon. In the ammo menu there's a flag called "NPCs don't use up ammo" (Or something akin to this) so while they might have ammo in their inventory they don't use it at all



Edit: Oh, didn't read the question properly, sry

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Heyas. For their own purposes, NPC's don't use up ammo. Not for vanilla. There are mods that alter that tho.

What is spawned on them, for loot purposes, is through level list injection. Or... Loot Lists.

As far as I can tell, or at least I haven't figured out how to do it yet.... Xedit/Fo4Edit can't read those. And I don't use the CK. So I'm really sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you out with doing an edit to whichever particular list. :sad:

There's a couple of things that can cause the additional effect that you mentioned. One, is perks. Another, is a different list, also injecting inventory into the actor when it's spawned/created.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Basically, I don't want to edit these lists. I'm just wondering why these assholes in their pockets have one number of rounds, although in theory it should be different. The influence of perks and mods can be ruled out, because such crap is observed even at the very beginning of the vanilla game. :confused:

Edited by lojtar
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