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Artifact Display...


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I'm looking for a house mod that has a room (or rooms) for displaying every unique item and artifact found in the game. Something like the Mournhold museum, but more organized (maybe a little plaque above each case that displays the name of the artifact that belongs there). If any such mods exist, I would sure like to know about them!
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I'm looking for something that is specifically built for unique items and artifacts. Something with a case for Umbra sword, a case for Chyrsamere, a case for Scourge, a case for the Daedric Crescent, etc, etc...


I'm playing around with the construction set for the first time right now. If there are no mods like this already made, I'm going to have to attempt it.

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I'm pretty sure no-one's gone to that extent on things :P there's "a place to stay" which has armour mannequins for every armour in Morrowind and Tribunal but nothing with a case for every artifact etc in the game. I could be wrong though ;)
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It wouldn't really be all that hard I think... perhaps a separate room for each type of artifact. A sword room, an axe room, a hammer and staff room, a bow room, a ring/amulet/belt room, a helm room, a shield room, a cuirass room, a boot room... that's a lot of damn rooms actually.


Perhaps something more along the lines of...


Sword room (seems that most unique artifacts are a sword of some kind)

Axe, hammer, staff, and bow room (less of these)

Armor room

Magic ring, amulet, and belt room.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The house mod I have always used since it release was Abu Manor. It is located in Ald Ruhn and has 2 display rooms for just about anything, nothing specific for certan items, but it has display cases that can fit everything. The house also has a bedroom, conservatory, Alchemy lad and kitchen, dining room, and a study. hope this works for you.
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