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Premium Really Slow Download Speed


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I just got Premium and I'm downloading a 5gb mod. Its the same download speed as it was when I tried downloading it without Premium.

I'm downloading from the los angeles server and I live in los angeles. Its downloading at an average of 200KB/sec. It says it will take 8 HOURS TO DOWNLOAD.

Why is it so slow? Premium did nothing to help the download speed. HELP

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Can you try some of the other Premium servers? If it's that slow for all of them there is probably some kind of problem between your PC and our servers.


The issue is your servers and this happens every time there's any large amount of users downloading stuff. It could be a routing issue but it's unlikely since a lot of people are having the problem of slow or failed downloads, regardless if they're Premium or not.

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Just a note about testing with ping. The command sends a series of packets to your target ip address and gives you information on the length of time for a response from the target ip and a count of lost packets, if any.


It is more informative to use the tracert command. It will report back on each piece of equipment your packets pass through, thus showing you the route. It will also frequently indicate the approximate point in the route that is having problems, if any. There are times when the route passes through so many pieces of equipment that tracert is unable to list all of them, but that doesn't happen often.

Edited by DFiNo
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