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Glowing hair on NPC possible? How?

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You would need to create a new hair mesh, then look at a material file that has glow map. Create a new material file using same flags as the glowmap one. And probably you will need to make a glow texture from the hairs texture, which is another layer of texture the material file will use. Then in an esp create a unique head part with the new hair mesh and assign it to the npc.

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Create a new mesh? Really?

Can't I just make some kind of "material swap" for an existing hair mesh?

And the "glow texture" will be just like "transparent = no glow; colour = glow in the colour; transparency of colour = 'intensity of glow'", right?


Sorry for all the n00b questions ...

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when I say create new, basically just copy the one you want and rename it. the new material will be assigned to that mesh so unless you want anyone with that hairstyle to have glowing hair then you need a different name on the mesh.

textures for glow seem to be semitransparent with no colour. the colour comes from the emmit flag in the material file. I think all the texture does is mask areas to glow more or less, it would look bad if a creature was just glowing all over with the same intensity.

To be honest with you, Iv never created a glow texture on anything but pretty much just reverse engineer one of the vanilla glowing meshes, material files etc.

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wig is good idea, it can just be added to npc as part of their outfit then.

I Reverse engineering is how I learned everything. I tested a basic version and it works. https://imgur.com/lA8mG9T

For this all I did was copy a BSeffectShader Block of one glowing mesh and paste it into the trishape of the hair so it overwrites the BSLightingShader data. To refine it more, you could tell it to use the actual hair texture as base and make a new greyscale one from the original hair texture. You can then copy the material file and rename it as a new one, add you new textures to it and edit the emmit strength so its not so bright.

To get an Ambient glow that lights up things around the hair, you will need to look at the AO nifs of glowing creatures. I think you might need to resize it and weight in Outfitstudio so it can be another headpart or pasted into the hair mesh itself.

Good luck, I hope some of what I say makes sense. haha

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