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[LE] Mod Worked Yesterday But Not Today

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Hey guys,


I have been slowly working on a personal basement mod over the past few weeks. It's nothing crazy -- strictly personal use. I've been adding components that I've seen from other mods (mostly display type items) throughout the day then I'll play the game a little bit at night before saving and exiting. This means I get to see the progress I've spent all day working on when I play the game at night.


Last night, everything was working fine. Today, I started really working with scripts and nearly finalized the entire basement. When I went to load the game, any time I enter my modded cell, the game crashes. It's strictly my mod because I can go back to previous saves outside of that cell and it works just fine.


Therefore, something I've done today has caused this thing to crash but I can't figure out what. I've checked the crash papyrus log and can't see anything. I've cleaned it with SSEdit and it all seems fine.


What could cause the game to crash so immediately upon entering one cell?


I didn't do anything crazy today. In fact, a lot of what I placed was already in the cell, just outside in the void. That tells me that it's not those objects.


I've deleted the new items I added today that weren't out in the void and it still crashes. I concluded that it has to be something with my scripts, but I don't see how that could cause the whole thing to crash because most of my scripts were "display_miscitems" and things like that.


Any help would be great, otherwise, I'm going to have to start deleting hours of work I've already put in.

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The Creation Kit creates backup files every time you save. Check the backup folder for older versions. Find the most recent that still works. You may loose some progress but not everything.


Also, have you tested this mod on a new game or a save that has not seen the mod in question? Some changes do not get reflected mid-game especially when the objects associated with those changes have already been loaded and stored in the save file. It is therefore possible that an addition you made is conflicting with something already stored in the save file and the game cannot resolve it. If you have been progressing with a series of changes to a mod over time while using the same play through, you can be looking at a layering of lots of conflicting data. At some point it will break.

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Thank you for replying to this!


I started deleting sections out from what I know I added manually and thankfully, I didn't have to delete very much before it started working again.


I'm still not sure what caused the issue, which is what bothers me (how can I learn from my mistakes if I don't know which mistake was made?), but at the same time, I'm just so thankful I didn't have to start over from scratch because I didn't have to delete a ton to get my mod working again.


That being said, you may very well be correct that the layering/conflicting data may be the reason for the crash. I will have to tread more lightly moving forward.

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