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Tinker Tom Companion


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Have a look at AmazingFollowersTweaks, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976 . This mod is a powerhouse of configurations, letting you take almost anyone as a follower. It does lots more too. Just make sure you give Piper her interview before enabling this mod. If you don't, Piper may ignore you, and you won't trigger the interview .

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  On 4/14/2020 at 12:10 AM, instyne49 said:

Have a look at AmazingFollowersTweaks, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976 . This mod is a powerhouse of configurations, letting you take almost anyone as a follower. It does lots more too. Just make sure you give Piper her interview before enabling this mod. If you don't, Piper may ignore you, and you won't trigger the interview .

I use AFT a lot. But I've never figured out how to make a regular NPC a follower with AFT. What directory is that under, in the holotape menu? Or, is it in the AID menu?


TIA instyne :smile:


The follower themselves are.... kinda easy to make. If you're making a new one. It's when you get down to the whole affinity thing, that it can get tedious. Also, dialog. Especially VOICED dialog. Particularly if you want them to comment during certain conditions, like giving crap talk to enemies during a fight, like the vanilla companions do. IF there are even vanilla files for them to do so.

Now, if you were wanting to make an existing character a companion, you would want to script it so that it doesn't give you those dialog options until after a certain point has been reached, so that you don't botch any quests.


Ummm there's something else that I'm forgetting...

Edited by StormWolf01
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You can fire up quests, after a certain quest is done, via a condition I have at the moment successful forgotten :D ... And the most companion actions are quests, so...


I would do it on this way:


-Build a companion enabler quest that has as condition, that the mainquest is done, or multiple quests (I don't know in how many quests he is involved).

-After the enabler quest is done, the npc will be avaible as a companion.


If you ask yourself now what a companion enabler quest is, so I can give you to this a short introduction*:

*Long ago I had write a companion tutorial, but I was not be able to finish it. So this is just the section about the companion enabler quest and I have work with my companion as example. That means: Everytime you read "Panser" you should rename it to the name of your companion.



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I hope it helps!

Edited by taryl80
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Thanks. Oh man I never even touched dialogue *Shiver*


As for the quest that enables it would obviously be the finished mainquest. Maybe check if some other quests from him would be running... Hm.. I will think about if I really want that :D

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Well, I don't know what your plan is with him, but if you plan to make him a companion without the affinity system, you can write the enabler quest and then go forward with this video:



If your plan is to give him a affinity quest, then... Well... I need to go to bed in 10 minutes, sry. :DDD But, thats then were the pain starts.


But at least let me say before I hit my bed: Don't be afraid of dialogues. Scripting is definitely harder imo and that have you already mastered :wink:.


Edit: The video is from Seddon 4494. He makes very good tutorial videos. So.. take a look^^.

Edited by taryl80
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