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Issues with 3dsMax 2018 plugin... should I switch to blender?


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Hi all,


I used to use 3dsmax 2017 plugin to edit meshes for Skyrim but now I'm having trouble with the 2018 plugin for FO4. Whenever I try to save or export I get this message:


File: c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2018 sdk\maxsdk\include\ioapi.h
Line: 232
Function: ISave::Write
Expression: buf == NULL || strlen(buf) <= nbytes
Google has been a dead end and I'm officially stumped. If anybody has any ideas, it would be appreciated...
Otherwise, how is everyone editing meshes nowadays? I could switch to blender, but I would need to reinstall since I'm using 2.80 and I know that's not supported yet. Which version of blender/nif plugin are you all using?
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Thank you for your response. I'm using this plugin https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84041?tab=description and it used to work just fine... Incidentally, I discovered the answer to my problem was an option at the bottom of the error wall of text that essentially amounted to "ignore this error and don't tell me again." I never thought that would work but it did, and I can't even be helpful by documenting the specific option because I can't reproduce the error now. Apparently the answer to 3dsMax telling you it's crashing is to say "no you aren't and stop complaining..."

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