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Need help with a Mod.


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I'm using that NPC editor mod to edit NPCs in the game. So far i've successfully changed a couple NPCs in Whiterun, but i'd like to edit the Guards that patrol around Whiterun. The only problem is, there's like 50 different version of -Whiterun Guard- floating in the database. I tried the -GuardWhiterunCityGeneric- NPC and edited. But when i got in the game, none of the guards got changed. So.. i'm assuming all of the guards use 1 of those files. The problem is, i dont know which one they use. Can anyone help me out? Or is there anyway to identify them by using the console command in game to learn their ID and then somehow look for their ID in CK? And then Cross-reference them via CK to NPC Editor?


However, i prefer if someone who knew off the top of their head which file those guards use could share their great knowledge. :-D

Would be easier that way. If not, can anyone inform me what the console command is to find out what ID each guard uses and how to use that knowledge in locating which file they use?

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i think the IDs you get from clicking an NPC in the console are Reference IDs and you need Base IDs for creation kit but if you want to know which NPCs are used in certain places you could just load up the place you want in the render window, click Exteriors then Tamriel then Whiterun in the "Cell View" box, below the Object Window, then you can just double click the guard in the render window to see which is which Edited by ghostrecon123
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Whiterun has dozens of different Guard NPCs, they can't just use 1 npc for the whole town because guards do many different things so they have different AI Packages, so if you want to modify the guards you'll probably need to edit a few more NPCs, namely the Template NPCs, in the Actor Object Window, look for the Guard NPCs with the word Template in their names, those ere the NPCs you need to edit, since there are dozens of guards, the devs used Templates as a basis for making different version of an NPC to make things faster so if you edit the template that should modify all the others that use the same template NPC
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Whiterun has dozens of different Guard NPCs, they can't just use 1 npc for the whole town because guards do many different things so they have different AI Packages, so if you want to modify the guards you'll probably need to edit a few more NPCs, namely the Template NPCs, in the Actor Object Window, look for the Guard NPCs with the word Template in their names, those ere the NPCs you need to edit, since there are dozens of guards, the devs used Templates as a basis for making different version of an NPC to make things faster so if you edit the template that should modify all the others that use the same template NPC


ok, i'll try that.

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Anyone have any idea what my problem is? Their body is black.. but their face is white.. (in the game), but in CK, their body is fine in the preview. So i'm guessing the problem is with whatever file they're connected to. I'm wondering if its the OTHER template that this template is connected to. And i'm afraid to mess with it because it might be necessary for their AI behaviors.
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i do not know, it's seems really complicated to change all npcs body with a custom one, without messing the whole thing


try an other armor, the UNP version, as far as i know, Unp body is based on vanilla mesh etc.. it will probably fit .


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