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realistic body model (need help to add it to oblivion)


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hi all need help adding a body mod ,well that should be the name of this topic but anyway to the point ,could anyone guide me to a tutorial cause i havent found one for body splitting or for obliv please dont tell me to google it ,i tried that already .ill be forever gratefull.

thanks in advance

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Even if I knew how I wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole. Poser models (especially of quality) are very likely to be commercial models, and even if that is from the free section I wouldn't want to try and convert it for a game unless the the creator was 100% okay with it and I had it in writing. It's risky business if you ask me.
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It has been made clear that "ports" are not welcome here. If you have permission from the Intellectual Property (IP) holders, that is a different story but I have yet to see somebody do a port with permission from Poser, Lineage 2 or other sources.


LHammonds (Moderator)

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It has been made clear that "ports" are not welcome here. If you have permission from the Intellectual Property (IP) holders, that is a different story but I have yet to see somebody do a port with permission from Poser, Lineage 2 or other sources.


LHammonds (Moderator)

humm, sorry i didn't know that but thanks for answering

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Even if I knew how I wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole. Poser models (especially of quality) are very likely to be commercial models, and even if that is from the free section I wouldn't want to try and convert it for a game unless the the creator was 100% okay with it and I had it in writing. It's risky business if you ask me.

thanks for the advice

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