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I know what's on my mind when I am watching The Hee Haw Television shows. I'm glad they were only shown once a week, :dance: because I hate cold showers :verymad: and when I started losing the prince charming appearance that the ladies like to see my right arm's bicep started getting bigger than my left arms. :laugh: :facepalm: I started lifting a 5 gallon bucket full of water just to keep my left arm from looking whimpy. :ohdear:

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I know what's on my mind when I am watching The Hee Haw Television shows. I'm glad they were only shown once a week, :dance: because I hate cold showers :verymad: and when I started losing the prince charming appearance that the ladies like to see my right arm's bicep started getting bigger than my left arms. :laugh: :facepalm: I started lifting a 5 gallon bucket full of water just to keep my left arm from looking whimpy. :ohdear:


LOL ... poor Paga!! In some "sports" the ambidextrous DO hold some advantage.


The one that got me the most was the Little Red Riding Hood story. I can't even imagine being able to garble that up like that and not either completely lose where I'm at in the story or burst out laughing.


The Barber barely cracked a smile once or twice.

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