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Serious Crash After Ingame fov Command


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Hello Nexus.


As the preview discription said, I had a serious system crash after changing the Field of View through the fov command in-game. And I was hoping someone could help me identify what caused it.


Today was the first time I used this command after learning that though this way I could get closer onto details for making screenshots. The first time I was playing around with it I increased and decreased the FoV. But after some minutes I had my first crash. I didn't think much of it, things crash from time to time, nothing to worry about. So after the first crash and went back into Skyrim and this time I only decreased the FoV, and again after 10-15 minutes or so it crashed again. But this time a blue screen showed up and it gave me a miniature heart attack, but this wasn't the worst, after it rebooted, it gave me this:


Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device... etc


After this I though my HDD was a goner! :facepalm: But, thank the gods, after waiting 5 minutes I was able to reboot it into save mode and after that everything seems back to normal. I was hoping if someone could tell me Double U F happened? At least one thing is sure, I won't be messing with that command ever again.


Also another unwanted side effect that I seem to be having after boosting the FoV upto 120 is that I'm feeling rather dizzy..

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Ok. I've got a weekly backup running to an external HDD so my files are safe.


Thanks for the link, I'll run it right away, if it turns out bad, at least I know what to ask for Yule..

Edited by Jorundr
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playing with FOV 120 isn't really best thing to do, since the game is rendered for 75. 120 gives you that fish bowl feel, don't see why you would want it that wide. This console command is know to have adverse effect (HDD thrashing) as its having to load more on the side cells and render, so any turning you do is thrashing dat drive. Your BSoD could be attributed to this and gfx not coping with the added rendering. If you get another BSoD pay particular attention to the top where a file may be listed as a probable cause, and the bottom where a hex number may be displayed. These could help in troubleshooting HDD if acidzebra is correct.
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