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Lot of CTD problems BOSS says files need cleaning


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been playing around with mods and having a lot of ctd problems so looked online and saw that BOSS and Wrye Bash can help with finding and fixing these problems so I dled them well Boss is showing that several files need cleaned and being new at this whole thing I have no clue what to do and from what I have read I should not attempt cleaning unless i know what i am doing and i don't so if someone can help me that would be great
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been playing around with mods and having a lot of ctd problems so looked online and saw that BOSS and Wrye Bash can help with finding and fixing these problems so I dled them well Boss is showing that several files need cleaned and being new at this whole thing I have no clue what to do and from what I have read I should not attempt cleaning unless i know what i am doing and i don't so if someone can help me that would be great


Contact mod authors.They should clean their files.Second choice is to learn how to clean by yourself.

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There are some video's on YouTube that explain how to clean mods using TES5edit. However it is strongly recommended that you only clean the update.esm, and the Dawnguard.esm and Hearthfire.esm if you have those installed. Leave the cleaning of the mods to their respective authors. If you see BOSS is reporting problems with a certain mod then leave a comment to it's author and ask that he clean the mod.
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It is generally safe to clean other mods too in the exact same way, and it might be necessary if one you want to play with breaks another mod. If the mods require certain dirty edits to function then it should say so on the main page. I can think of only one mod since Oblivion that was like this and I don't know of any in Skyrim that are. That said, letting the author know is still good. But be polite about it.
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I do know how to clean myself well somewhat anyway i have cleaned update.esm hearthfire.esm and dawnguard.esm just not sure if it is safe or smart to clean someone elses mod


It is safe,but as i said,contact mod authors.It is their work to clean.About Bethesda plugins i am not sure.I heard it is not safe to clean them.

Edited by EvilPhoenix
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DO NOT ever ever ever Undelete UDRs (in official Bethesda plugins)...it is relatively safe to clean ITMs but really doesn't help much...besides Steam will overwrite with any contact about verifying or updates.


OP: describe your CTDs...when do they happen?

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