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Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch must be loaded to create mods?

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I have a doubt. When I create a mod I load all the masterfiles, but I want to know if it is necessary to also load the UFO4 or not. The created mod overwrites the UFO4P causing the bugs fixed by it to be left without effect?

For example, I am making a mod to repair houses and in Croup Manor the bug that NPCs cannot climb the stairs persists. My mod overwrites the navmesh of UFO4P with the original version (Fallout4.esp)?

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It's not necessary but in situations like that it's probably a good idea anyway. Otherwise it gets a lot more complicated because you'd need xEdit to be able to bring over the fixes you don't want to lose.

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You would have to manually copy over the changes, and if you made a change to a different part of the same record, you would have to manually copy only the relevant parts of the fix from UFO4P to your mod. So if you want to ensure those fixes are included by default you should load it as a masterfile.

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