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Warning about ZeniMax Media sending out DMCA takedown notices


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This is just a warning that the idiot lawyers for Zenimax Media are sending out DMCA takedown notices all over the place right now. I received a Cease And Desist today claiming that I was using images from Fallout 3 in some items I was selling on eBay. My listings were removed by eBay. I was selling some Fallout 1 and 2 related items which contained no copyrighted images, only original artwork that was created long before Fallout 3 ever existed. Of course, there's no genuine way to fight a DMCA takedown notice unless you're rich, so there's nothing us folks who got screwed because of that (lying) letter can do about it. I don't know how this affects sites like this or the mod makers. It probably doesn't while the content you're creating is helping to sell their game for them.


Oh well.

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afaik beth and thus zenimax got all rights to fallout after interplay was unable to produce its fallout mmo in time... (even tho the time is not yet up but ends in 2009 afaik... thus theyd have been a bit overly swift)


just sell your stuff from an ebay server somewhere in vanatu or belize or somin i suggest like the all beloved goldsellers do... ;)


may i ask what you advertise with fallout imaginery anyway? mini nukes?

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it sounded to me like you were selling your own artwork that was based on fallout 1 + 2 things? I see a problem with doing that unfortunately. If i drew a bunch of pictures of mario and started selling them on ebay i would get sued as well. If you simply drew some pictures that were inspired by fallout universe, that is different, but making money off of their intellectual property is in fact illegal.


If i misunderstood the situation please explain it further. If you were simply using some fallout 1 + 2 images to advertise something else you were selling, thats another situation entirely, but that isnt the way it sounded from your post.


the reason modders arent getting letters like that is because they are not making money off of their mods. A mod site may make money off advertising on a site that brings people in because of fallout mods, but as long as they arent selling the mods themselves they're ok. if you tried to sell fallout 3 meshes that you made you would most likely get a C+D letter as well.


Also, classy username.

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