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Ok, I'll try to keep this simple, not sure which sub-forum this belongs in but its not exactly a tech issue but a game issue so...


Got attacked by the usual three thalmor patrol with orders to kick my arse just on the road a short distance north west from Bards Leap Summit, on killing the second last of them got the 'last witness killed bounty removed' type message, unfortunately my ball of flaming fiery fire was already heading towards the last cowering wretch in irritating slow-motion and on them exploding all over the side of the road I got a 1k 'murder' bounty for regions unknown for killing the last of my attackers, lets just ignore for now how stupid that whole situation is...


The one and only witness was either my horse or some rabbit/fox etc I couldn't find under a nearby river from looking around the area from what I can tell as there was nobody anywhere within maximum view distance.


I've been to every hold and talked to numerous guards from each location, nobody is accusing me of anything yet I still have a 1k bounty on me for a 'murder' again with factions unknown.


I've tried every combination of targeted and non-targeted 'setcrimegold' & 'paycrimegold' I have found posted online with each cities guards, nothing clears the bounty.


player.setcrimegold 0 267E3 (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 28170 (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 29DB0 (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 2816D (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 2816E (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 2816C (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 2816B (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 267EA (No error message does nothing)

player.setcrimegold 0 2816F (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 00028170 (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 000267E3 (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 00029DB0 (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 0002816D (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 0002816e (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 0002816C (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 0002816B (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 000267EA (No error message does nothing)

paycrimegold 0 0 0002816F (No error message does nothing)


The reason I was using the 0/0 conditions is I was not immediately willing to swallow a 1k penalty and auto warp transport for defending myself against an aggressor, since nothing bloody worked I decided to swallow the fees.


paycrimegold (on its own while targeted teleports but does not clear the bounty)


Also none of the 'paycrimegold' 0/0, 1/0, 0/1, or 1/1 do anything but still with no errors reported.


Anyone have a clue how to clear a bounty no faction seems willing to recognise?

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There's about 160 different factions in the game. Everything is a faction or belongs to one or several. To have one error out and declare it as unknown is new to me. More then likely you have or had a mod that altered a faction, probably on your follower. The follower registered the bounty by some script change - even if the mod was removed fragments still can and do affect the game. The paycrimegold is the catch all. You seemed to have all the major regional factions and it didn't clear it up. you also tried to set yourself in jail for the time and all the options there. It just seems like the faction no longer exists or the trigger for it was broken.


I looked and just am at a loss for a reasonable solution. You may have this be a growing problem if it is a script fragment or trigger. Watch your save games to see if they start bloating in size. You may have to reload the game if it continues. Hopefully its just a rare glitch.

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