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I need help modding Oblivion.


I just can't get the mods I want - It's so incredibly complex and confusing!! I JUST DON'T GET WHAT TO DO AND NOTHING MAKES SENSE


I've uninstalled and reinstalled Oblivion about 5 times trying to download only basic script extenders and patch mods and having so many SO MANY things go wrong.


I just can't do this by myself and I need some help.



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OK I'll give you a push ... but it will be towards the "old school" method of modding.


Why the old school way? Well because you will not only get some essential mods into your game (such as the Unofficial Oblivion Patch) but you will learn something about how mods work in Oblivion. If I gave you a push in the other direction you will learn how to use the mod manager and will still have no idea how mods work in Oblivion. When things don't go as planned you'll be back where you are now.


So that'll be the deal ... you in or out?


If you're in I'll need some basics ... what version of the game (Steam, GOG or disk) and some idea of your skills in copying and pasting files, creating folders and basic computer stuff like that.

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I'm using the GOG version. I can get TesModManager installed easily enough, but the wires get crossed when Wyre Bash gets into the mix. Then if you touch anything the wrong way omod files start disappearing and some somehow get baked into the game, and even if I delete all the files from obmm>mods the mods still stay in the game - which make no sense.


I don't think I'm clueless, but this really is a bit beyond me.

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So back to my question ... are you up to learning some manual install skills?


- Edit - And I agree with Oblivionaddicted below ... would be much better in the Oblivion Forums.


- Edit 2 - So as not to leave you with nothing gained ... TesModManager is a later iteration of Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). I haven't any hands on with TesModManager but one of the shortcomings of OBMM was how it handled (actually didn't handle) uninstalling (it would remove files that were overwrites from a previously installed mod, breaking the previous installed mod afterwards). Wrye Bash (WB) has a feature called Anneal that takes care of replacing the uninstalled files for the previous mod.


That's just one example of the type of things that WB is capable of. The problem with using WB (or any mod manager) as a base for your "modding knowledge" is that you will still lack the foundation of what modding the game requires, so even if you read through Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (Oblivion\Mopy\Docs) your lack of foundation will render 90% of it useless info that has no frame of reference.


The same goes (perhaps to a lesser extent due to it's reduced ability) with TesModManager. If it follows how OBMM documents it's use it will be in the Help menu, and unless you have some foundation in modding Oblivion much of it won't have meaning.

Edited by Striker879
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Then let's move it there, leaving a link in the Newbies forum, so it can still be found from both places. :thumbsup:


You're in very good hands with Striker there. He can definitely walk you through.


Though from what you wrote about your past experiences I suspect a bunch of misunderstandings in the correct use of some tools. But I'm sure this, too, will be solved in time.

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