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Crash issues because of "_male" meshes file


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I've been installing mods on Oblivion for the past few days, and I've finally chose a combination that almost work.

But I still have a crashing issue. As soon as I try to open the inventory, the game crashes. I obviously deactivated all the mods (even the DLCs) but it still happens.

After some research, I found out that the file causing the problem is in Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male : when I rename the folder, it works (with bugged character textures of course). But I can't find which file exactly is causing the problem, since even if I suppress all the content of the folder, it still crashes, but this time during the loading of the save.


I have a lot of mods installed, for characters it's mainly HGEC, Robert's Male, OCO2, and a few secondary animations from other mods (but I don't think the animations are the issue here).


The save is not corrupted either, because it happens even when I start a new game.


I tried to delete the .ini file, or reinstall the files of the _male folder, but nothing works.


I read that it can be a conflict between the skeleton.nif file and the other files, but I didn't find a solution on the web either... Do you have any idea of what I should do ?


(sorry for the english, it's not my native language)

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Sorry, should have said it sooner :

- I use OBMM for the invalidation, always a classic BSA invalidation with all features included

- I tried DarN and I had two other mods that touched the menus, but they made my game crash too, so I uninstalled them as well. The problem is not coming from the menu folder, imo ; when I rename it (or erase, because I don't have anything left into it), the game still have the same issue (and the main menu or other pop up windows are working well).


My inventory crash, could it be caused by an unworking item added by a mod, even though I unactivaded its .esp ?...

Edited by MachinPresque
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Uninstalling UI mods can cause the problem you are having. I'm no expert but I have seen instructions on how to fix the problem in the Bevilex mod comments.


To make finding what you need easier use the forum interface to those comments rather than the Nexus Mods interface. Open the Posts tab and click on the Forum Thread button just above where the comments begin. At the top right of the forums mod comments page you'll find a search box which will search just those comments (says This topic beside Search...). Put in your search terms and click the magnifying glass. I did one with DarN UI fix and it returned 7 pages of relevant posts. Hopefully you an find something that helps that way.


The only method of archive invalidation to use is BSA Redirection ... the other two methods both have problems that can result in a broken game if not done absolutely perfectly. BSA Redirection is a do once and forget about it solution.

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Thanks a lot ! I try this as soon as I find some time and I'll edit this post with the result.


EDIT : Ooookay that's strange... I tried looking for an answer in the threads as you said, but it was so long I preferred to try the archive invalidation before. So I activated all my mods again, I did the BSA redirection (much more simple, it's true) and launched oblivion. No start crash, that's good. I started a new game, press I, and the inventory works without a problem... So issue fixed ! It must have been some file in the _male folder that the game didn't know how to handle when showing the character beside the inventory. Wasn't expecting it to be such a simple solution.

I still don't have DarN UI installed, but the game works, so I don't want to try it.

Well, I will maybe face other problems in other places in the game, but this issue is fixed for good. Thank you a lot for the solution !

Edited by MachinPresque
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