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Fist Time Modding: Installed SKSE and Mod Packs: Game Broke


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Hello. I am just coming back to Skyrim since it launched because of all these neat mods. I installed the SKSE and subscribed/updated the following mod collections:


Skyrim Ultimate Graphic and Gameplay Enhancement [50+ Mods]

Realism/Graphics + for Gaming PCs and Endgamers

Graphics and Sounds +++



Now when I try to run Skyrim or SKSE Loader, the game crashes after the "Bethesda" intro. Can anybody please offer guidance as to what I should do?

Edited by boblikesoup
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You ain't showin' links to what I asked, I ain't gonna show you the links to tools to solve yer problems :tongue:


Just kidding:





At least try using BOSS, it's fairly simple and it should tell you if you need to bash stuff together.


I could believe three packs of graphical overhauls have some stuff that collide, possibly even some same mods?

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Also, a little advice to anyone who is new to modding who might read this: please, please, PLEASE don't install a dozen mods at a time and then hope to play with them. Modding is not as simple as it's been made out to be with steam workshop and NMM and so on. Just plugging in a bunch of mods without much understanding of modding is asking for trouble. Try playing with only one mod at a time for atleast a few hours. This way if you run into bugs it will be easier to trouble shoot. I promise you that if you download 50 or even just a handful of mods without understanding them really well, you will run into problems that you will mostly likely either be unable to solve or will cost you days worth of boring and tedious work troubleshooting.
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Well, it's shorter term for creating bashed patch.

No need to care about that really.


Just try the Boss now :biggrin:


Wrye Bash is slightly harder to use. (But not too hard)

You just need to read the guide a bit.

(As a stubborn finnish I am, I didn't read it, I just went around and tested and succesfully created bashed patch)


Bashed patch is usually needed if many mods use same leveled lists and so. But as you're using graphics, it's probably not needed ATM.

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So I've gone through BOSS and deleted all the mods that it had highlighted as incompatible. All that are left are things to Bash and dirty edits: game is still not working.


Downloaded Wyme and am trying to "rebuild bash" as suggested here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/636680-boss-bash-tags/ but am getting a Missing Master Error for birdshf.esp, vanillacherryimproveddawnguard.esp, and crosbows for the empire.esp


Any suggestions?

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