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Master Mod Configuration File?


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Is there a mod that keeps track of all the settings you use for each mod and so, when you start a new game, you do not have to manually configure them all again?


I do not use Mod Managers,

I am still running Skyrim Legendary Edition,

the Unofficial Patch for that,

SkyUI and MCM


plus a lot of mods that need to be manually configured in MCM.


But MCM does not seem to remember my settings between characters, and it's a pain to keep doing it every time.






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There is no such thing. You need to ask the various authors of your MCM mods to implement such features. FISS and PapyrusUtil are available to save settings to an external file to be loaded at a later date. Authors simply need to utilize one or the other.


If you wish to keep the changes for yourself (depending upon permissions), you can use one of the aforementioned utilities and save the settings for yourself on a per-mod basis. Typically the MCM script would need to be edited to add new options to save and load the settings. And, of course, all the underlying events / states / functions necessary to actually save and load the settings.

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