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Keeping Plugins From Rearranging...


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Is there some way to keep plugins from re-sorting themselves?


There are a few mods that absolutely need to be towards the end of the load order, or else they don't work, but the game seems to have other ideas.


Can this be prevented?

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IF you are not using LOOT or some other mod organizer, and since you did not tell us what you are using??


NMM - Vortex - or ????


But the basic principle is - the load order is changed based on mods downloaded and installed. Last Mod Downloaded is at the bottom ---- UNLESS there is a command that tells the mod to do otherwise while being activated.


This is just how it is.

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Yeah, I'm using LOOT, but it's borderline useless, since it doesn't know what mods need to go last.

I mean, I'll run it to get a rough load order. Then open up Wryebash for fine-tuning it

I'm using Vortex, but since reordering mods to how I want them is impossible I use Wryebash.


I was having a problem with Castle Restored getting put too high up the load order. So I deleted it and re-downloaded it to see if that would change.


Nope. It gets put at the same position as last time.


Edited to add: decided to try a different castle restoration mod; one I've never downloaded before, just to see if the game treated it differently: nope. It got put in a similar position as the other castle mod, rather than at the end of the load order.

Edited by Jambo11
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here is a trick that I use with Mods that I know that need to be at the bottom:


I uncheck them in NMM. I do not disable or remove them, I simply just turn check them.

Then I run LOOT and the go back in move the UNCHECKED mods to the bottom and turn the check on.

... Works like a charm and is fast ....

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Don't use two mod managers at the same time, especially when that overblown Vortex is involved. They both sort plugins according to other rules and they both use the same files to store load order. If you re-arrange your plugins with Wrye Bash and then open Vortex, the latter will re-re-arrange your mods. If you don't watch out, you'll end-up with the load orders from both mod managers mixed-up and you can start installing from scratch.


If I were you, I'd start all over with a manager like NMM (Nexus Mod Manager -see link in my sig) or if you must, MO2. You'll save yourself from a lot of headache.

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I don't think you understand what I'm saying: They get shifted around regardless of where or not I run LOOT. They get moved simply from me running and exiting the game.


The game is not able to ' move mods / change order of them ' ... unless you have something else running in the background?


Jimmy raised a good question - are you using more than 1 mod organizer program?

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