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The OP did say that retextures and remodelling is beyond his skills, but hopefully someone will help him out with that, along with giving the Lich a unique model


I did not mean add new undead textures I meant replace the bandits with draugr or skeletons maybe add some skulls here and there, possibly a bunch of coffins. I know the place is already meant to be a ancient nordic tomb but it really doesn't look like a particularly evil looking place.



Why do I keep look at this page every 30 minutes

Edited by KILLERZombie135
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Lunar forge is used to make Lunar Weapons, which are effective against enemies at night, amirite?

And Lunar weapons are sometimes used by Silver Hand, thus they have visited the forge, possibly quite often?

(I am not sure, but I think some of the Companions radiant quests are related to silver hand + Lunar forge)

I don't feel right that the place would be full of undeads when Silver Hand regularly visit the place to make some weapons.

Though I might be wrong.


Anyhow, I just read the Original post again to check the facts, And I gotta admit I LOVE the stat/ability/perk ideas.

(also, have you thought about achieving some things with perks?)

As Twin souls is quite similar to the "More conjured and summoned things", but you might need to edit spells to achieve the effect :/


Waterbreathing + No sleep bonus combo is really nice. Makes it really feel like you are undead.

I still don't understand why they removed waterbreathing from vampires after Dawnguard was released. Was it too OP?


Also, it is quite similar to vampirism, but I'd say it doesn't matter, as it still feels quite different.

Lich "form" doesn't advance. You are always as powerful (except if you achieve the super-lich form), and your weaknesses are static as well.

You actually become quite powerful (Magic-wise). You don't get buffs that are balanced for every class. You are powerful mage. That's it. (And I love it)

Of course you can gain the longevity, water breathing and such even if you are thief, but other than that, it's not quite useful. (and illusion boost)


This will become great mod for all mage-lovers, alchemists, and everyone who likes the idea of being undead, but don't like to become a bloodsucker :biggrin:


And here's my ideas for improvement/ brainstorming:


FFFFFUU. Wrote long comment, accidentally clicked back, lost it.

Gotta rewrite it with more alcohol in blood this time..


Perks are useful when achieving complex stuff like this. And with perks I don't mean those you pick from the perk trees. I mean invisible ones that players are never aware of.

Reverse engineer "Targe of The Blooded" and "Torches" and you will understand what I mean.

Effects of those are gained with PERK. Only players + the NPC with the targe can cause the bleeding effect because those two are the only ones who have the perk.

Multiple summons could be achieved with similar perk as Twin Souls, but you'd probably need to edit the spells as well to gain the bonus from that. I'm not sure.


New spells, couple of ideas:

Conjure Skeleton, really basic stuff, yet vanilla game lacks that

Mark of the Lich, Rune, when enemy is killed by the effect, he is raised as undead to accompany the lich. (Powerful reanimate spell) You could check how "Soul Tear" was made to have such effect. (if actor is killed by the shout/ soon after the shout, it's reanimated)

Wrath of the Lich, summon two - three wisps to help you defeat your enemies (amount depends on max amount of conjured allies), lasts for 60 seconds and can be used once a day, negates magicka regen for as long as the minions are active.


Negate health regen / stamina regen

Undead flesh doesn't heal naturally as effectively.


Weak against blunt weapons/ sharp weapons

Skyrim Redone adds magic effects to some races that makes them more vulnerable against swords, resistant to maces, or the other way around.

You could check how T3nd0 achieved that and use something similar on your mod?

Dead flesh and blood doesn't bleed. Or if it does, it doesn't have so much effect. You're dead. Blood is not circulating. Duh.

You're weak against blunt weapons, your bones break more easily from the strong hits. Ouch.

I believe liches are powerful with their minds, but they are fragile physically. (But their soul is tied to the phylactery so it doesn't matter that much, they can always get new body or so)


Increased shout recovery times ( how I'm supposed to say it?)

You don't breath! You can swim underwater as long as you want! Hooray! You can't shout as often as your lungs aren't used to the air they receive when inhaling before shouting! Argh!

Somewhat Balancing the Lich(yness?). Many might dislike this feature.

But I think there needs to be negative effects in powerful buffs like this. And somehow it fits the theme of being undead quite well.


Also, ONLY thing I am HOPING FOR:

Non-visual spell absorbing effect. I find it super annoying to see the effect all the time enemies cast spell at me when I have The Atronach perk or stone.


Uh oh. Can't remember what else I had in mind.. Curse you liquor and sleepiness..

Anyhow, these are just ideas. Not suggestions. (except the last one).

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I remember reading something about Lichs can posess theoretically any dead creature from withing their phylactery. If a lich gets destroyed, its soul gets stored into the phylactery and it needs a dead beeing nearby to "posess" it. If there isnt anything close, the lich has to wait till something will be or the phylactery gets destroyed.

Interesting. It's not how I've ever understood liches, though; rather, their phylactery generates a body for them to inhabit when they're destroyed (which is why in DnD it takes 1d10 (or whatever the roll is) days for the lich to return). I think I'll stick with this approach, as it feels more consistent with TES lore (and avoids the OP dracolich -- I will never forgive DnD for giving my DM that creature...).


Well, i took that from some D&D novels. No idea if that was mentioned in source books since i never played D&D myself. Also i coud have understood if wrong since ive read it in english and thats not my native language as you can tell. I still like that idea.


But i actually dont like the idea of a magical artifact creating a dead physical thing from nothingness. But i guess its alright, since there isnt much lore about stuff like that and also its a lot easier to do as a mod this way.

Edited by Cyrotek
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Status update:


Current status: SCREWED


My computer has decided it no longer wants to boot up. It's a dual-boot Windows/Linux rig; neither OS will boot, which means it's probably a hardware problem. I can't even boot up from a Live CD.


It's also my work computer, which just piles even more SCREWED on top of the pile o' manure. And I'm pretty sure none of the local computer tech stores are open tomorrow, which means the earliest I can even figure out what's wrong is Monday.


Not a good day...


Edit: Good ideas being added, unfortunately I'm in too foul a mood right now for comment.

Edited by kromey
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