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Suggested Mods for Archer ?


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I love playing an archer.I've pulled a few mods into my PC version of the game but before I start a new character I thought I would get suggestions from my fellow archers on mods..or even a race.

Suggestions please. I love crafting and mods for bows..or arrows would be most welcome.


Also as an extra....your fighting tactics....do you pull with a bow then mele to finish ? or not ?


Thank you.

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I love playing an archer.I've pulled a few mods into my PC version of the game but before I start a new character I thought I would get suggestions from my fellow archers on mods..or even a race.

Suggestions please. I love crafting and mods for bows..or arrows would be most welcome.


Also as an extra....your fighting tactics....do you pull with a bow then mele to finish ? or not ?


Thank you.


As a "field" archer in my spare time I always enjoy using archery in the game - especially for hunting.


IMO sneak is worth using due to the 2x damage benefit, also I think it's the Bosmer who get a significant racial archery benefit.


There are several archery mods available, from making quivers sit closer to the back to realistic length arrows, to ones that affect the trajectory & gravity drop. Plus of course light armour - the aMidianborn mod is *very* good - I use his / her version of the leather armour.


In terms of fighting, I try to use sneak for my first shot, pump in a couple more if necessary as the target closes on me, then switch to sword & board to finish off. As in real life, archery is the historical equivalent of artillery - very effective for taking out the enemy at a distance, but you need to switch to something else when up close & personal!! :thumbsup:

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Hi, I was not much of a fan of archery until Dawnguard. Crossbows rock. So I would say that DLC...and you might want to take a look at Skyrim Redone. That mod changes the perk trees, combat, crafting (among other things) so you might want to take a look at that. (It's a commitment, so definitely read everything before you decide to give it a try. Personally I am loving it.
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In my first play through, I also played as an archer, and agree with most of the recommendations here. I also would suggest becoming a master smith, and enchanter to create the very best possible longbow and other equipment that maximizes your archery and stealth skills. I hardly ever used any weapon besides my bow, but it helps if you are good at back tracking and shooting to use that tactic.
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... ... and you might want to take a look at Skyrim Redone. That mod changes the perk trees, combat, crafting (among other things) so you might want to take a look at that. (It's a commitment, so definitely read everything before you decide to give it a try. Personally I am loving it.


Don't know how I forgot to mention SkyRe - it's a major game overhaul that is well worth having. :thumbsup:

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I'm playing a ranger character at the moment, as the others have said Sky.re is brilliant, there are also some really cool armor mods aimed at archers, my favorite one now is natterformes shadow ranger armor, but I use a different hood because the one he uses clips slightly and it gets on my wick!

There is also immersive armors which has armors for almost any character,the hunter and ranger armor especially.

As for weapons I,d recommend andragorns armory, which has some really nice looking bows which are also pretty powerful, along with artinsaxs(sp?) bow collection which adds a lot of lore friendly and very nice bows to your game(search for faal sizaan) and then there's "better bows" which adds some nice bows as well

Hope that helps!

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No mention of Auto Unequip Ammo? All my characters are archers and AUA is the only archer mod I've ever needed.


As far as tactics go, my characters are equally proficient with bow and blade and will switch to whatever is appropriate at the time.


I rarely ever use the most powerful bow available and usually reserve enchantments and poisons for the really nasty opponents. And a lot of cat and mouse, shoot and scoot for anything else I don't want to get close to.

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