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Lich king shield


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So when jojo realesed his purely awsome and insaine lich king armor and the sweet sword that is frostmourn, he never made a shield, and i like the one handed version more then the 2 hander. So if some one could make a shield that could match up with the sword and armor that would be great!
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the problem is Nami-love that adding a shield for the lich king might stir some people into a rage...but i like the idea of it and i have to agree a sheild for the lich king would work...perhaps World of warcraft might give a answer if the lich king does briefly use a shield



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Download the ram shield, since it goes with the looking of the sword. plus the lich king doesnt use a shield, so why make one? you can block with a one handed sword anyways, so why do you need a shield?


well it depends like Nami-love said she prefers one handed then 2 handed + sheilds block more then swords



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  • 2 weeks later...
Download the ram shield, since it goes with the looking of the sword. plus the lich king doesnt use a shield, so why make one? you can block with a one handed sword anyways, so why do you need a shield?


well it depends like Nami-love said she prefers one handed then 2 handed + sheilds block more then swords




I use a one handed sword and I block. Cause im leet like that! ROFLMFAO!

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