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Mesh gets "resolution" problems but collision seems OK?

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Good morning everbody!


I was just working on some meshes when I cam across a problem.


A few of the meshes that I exported from 3DSMAX have a weird problem:

The mesh seems to be kind of "low resolution", it gets "blocky".

But somehow the collison "mesh" is not affected by this at all!




As you can see, the collision mesh (red) is how it is supposed to be, but the actual "visible" mesh (green) gets screwed up.


The OBJ files that I imported into 3DSMAX look fine, just how they are supposed to be.

So this "downsampling" seems to happen when exporting the NIF from 3DSMAX.

The thing you see here is supposed to be part of a pipe, about 30 cm thick (so not extremely large or small).


Could this have something to do with the fact that the mesh is "far away" from the "center" of the nif. (The X0 Y0 Z0 point)? (About 50 m away ...)


I did it this way, so that I don't have to manually align the meshes in the CK and I can just set the position of all the meshes to X0 Y0 Z0.

This is because the original meshes that I made were using a "metric" unit system and the CK - Units are multiples of 9/16".

And for things like pipes and machinery that is just there for "decoration", I don't really want to remake all of the meshes to fit the CK Snap-Grid.

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Did you setup (link) everything correctly in the scene explorer window before exporting. It looks like you got them reversed. So something like





Where MainPipeAssy is the main model and c_MainPipeAssy is the collision linked to the MainPipeAssy.

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Did you setup (link) everything correctly in the scene explorer window before exporting. It looks like you got them reversed. So something like





Where MainPipeAssy is the main model and c_MainPipeAssy is the collision linked to the MainPipeAssy.


Yes, I that is the ways I have set it up.

I used a copy of the mesh for the collison. I know, that the collison should be as low poly as possible, for performance reasons, but I don't (yet) care about optimizing that kind of stuff.

First I need to get it working at all ...

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