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Revolver Freak


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That looks perfect. From the looks of it, you already have it... Oh, vashts1985, you're everyone Santa Claus this year. Like Kenneth Yeung was for Max Payne (kung-fu mod, still an awesome thing, all handmade). Makes me wonder humbly if it could get into the game, even without the whole sliding thing? With skills like that you're gonna be headhunted for some major developer team in no time(again, like Kenneth Yeung was).

The model looks amazing.


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Hey, and maybe an adptation, for animations,

i think about put shot gun shells as ammo, but a i guess, maybe 4 shots, cause of the size of shells in the chamber...

or even make a larger ammo, just enouth to make it 6 or 5 shooter...


thx to all

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