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New user needs advice


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Hey guys new modder alert.

I have been playing Morrowind on Xbox since it was released. I have never gamed on a pc before.

I recently had a little spare cash and was given my old works pc. So I decided to beef it up a bit for general use.

The details are now.


HP S5325uk

I3 530 2.9ghz

12gb 1333mhz DDR3

256gb SSD on original sata

Asus gt430 1gb GPU


I have decided to relive my teens and play morrowind on it. I would like to play it to the best possible standards graphically without overloading the pc and getting 10fps.

I know I would like to try Tamriel Rebuilt and experience the main land.

What mods would you recommend and what load order would be best.

Also should I use OpenMW?


Any help would be amazing.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by LeeFoxArcher
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Since you have never played Morrowind on PC before, I suggest that you start with a few mods then as your experience with installing and managing mods increases then you can aim higher, I mean go for a modded Morrowind with various of mods.


The only mods you need right now are 4 essential mods e.g Morrowind Code Patch (MCP), Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE or MGE-X). Here is another guide I posted (this guide has the link for the fourth mod).


MGE is the old extender and no longer maintained, but it's highly recommended to use it for old computers since Morrowind is a very CPU intensive game. Of course you can still use MGE-X for old computers, but it requies Shader 3.0 while MGE only requires Shader 2.0. So, check what Shader your video card supports.


MGE-X is currenly maintained by Hrnchamd and get regular udates, which is a little easier to understand of how it works.


I created a quick guide of how to install MGE or MGE-X (the latest stable is here), just use MGE-X instead of MGE if you're using MGE-X than MGE.

Edited by leonardo2
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I never used Open MW.

To manage your load order you can use mlox for example.


There are many kinds of mods for many different things but you should give a try to "The white wolf of the Lokken mountains" for example.

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Thanks for the replies. I have been experimenting and so far have.



Official compilation mods

Tamriel Rebuilt

Morrowind rebirth


With everything on max I am getting around 30fps outdoors and 60fps indoors.


I expect this will drop dramatically when in combat but I will give it a try.

I notice that NPC's haven't changed much although I am not sure my pc could handle any more mods. Haha

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