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Is "Camera Modding" Possible?


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Okay, I've searched the forums here, and elsewhere, and can't find an answer to my question.


When I play Skyrim, I play immersed. That is to say, I play from first person camera, and only rarely do things like use the face cam or something.


The forced-third of horseback riding and of lord-form (from DG) drives me NUTS!!!!


I'm old, and I don't particularly want to learn how to play a game in "chase camera mode". Why do I want to look at my own (admittedly cute!) backside, either riding a horse or marauding the countryside as a mean scary grey skinned lady? The answer is, I don't want to.


I've tried the console command S1ST which allows 1st and 3rd person cameras simultaneously -- or so it says. It doesn't actually; I'm still "chasing" myself or my horse, and frankly I can't play that way. I can't aim, I can't manoever, I can't... play.


I've sorted through the CK for two days now. (I got DG for yuletide; prior to that I'd just avoided horses... but with DG, how can you have any fun if you avoid lord-form?!) I can't figure out even where to start as far as changing scripts or anything like that.


All I want to do is get rid of "third person chase cam" mode.


If anyone has any ideas where to start or how to work this, please! speak up!


(Edit -- NO, I'm not asking someone else to write this. I'm asking if anyone can figure out where to start. But hey, if someone has written a mod that ditches the butt-chase-3rd-person cam, by all means say so!)

Edited by Allannaa
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It's been done already. 1st Person view on Horses

Edit: I don't think it works with v1.8.

Edit: it's just a bunch of ini tweaks:



Documents/My Games/Skyrim, open skyrim.INI and add (at the end) :














Edited by steve40
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Hey, ini tweaks are at least a place to start, so thanks Steve, I'll look into what you linked.


As for zooming the mouse in, thanks, Jason, that helped some, I'm "closer to myself" if that makes sense.


I just can't help thinking there's a way to "defeat" the forced third person. I mean, after all, you can take it off furniture -- I know because I have. Sooooo why not off horses, and why not off lord-form!

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