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NPCs won't move in combat. What could cause this?

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I do use Engine Bug Fixes now, though I haven't always. I remember encountering the A-Bomb bug several years ago and fixed it with a save patching .exe.


I do use Wrye Bash in conjunction with TES Mod Manager for installs.


I tried removing bloat and it didn't seem to change the combat bug. I still got a CTD when trying to rest in the Center cell, though, so it didn't seem to fix that issue either. :/

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Ya I started out using Oblivion Animation Fixer way back on my first guy. The current guy used Wrye Bash to fix the A-Bomb until EngineBugFixes came along. Nothing else comes to mind for me to suggest ... I wish I had a magic wand I could send you.


Still, seven years is a good run, and you can always use Wrye to transfer your face to a new character.

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For brief moments I've seen similar to what you have (almost as though they are conflicted with whether or not to fight). In my game I always attributed that to the particular combination of mods I have that affect combat and things related to combat (primarily NPCs Yield Refined but SM Combat Hide could potentially have a part). When I didn't see either in your load order I didn't bring it up (and for me it's a rare occurance, sometimes ending with them deciding to fight and sometimes ending in them deciding to flee ... and sometimes ending in them becoming dead).

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I almost wish some expert modder would provide a "Salvage Your Save!" service where they would load your save with your load order and figure out what's wrong for a fee. But I image such a thing wouldn't be possible anyway. I just keep hoping it's a fixable thing when I'm sure it's not.


I don't believe I have any mods that modify combat. For all I can remember, I once did and then uninstalled it and it left behind remnants that's screwing with everything. Not sure if that would explain all the CTDs however.

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I did check for dirty mods and used TES4Edit to clean them.


I've got message logger installed. This is what I've got after the most recent crash...it has a ton of the same errors:




I actually shortened it, because the entire text wouldn't fit. The error at the bottom seems to repeat every second. So maybe that's not what even causes the crash?

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