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Head color not matching body


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I have an annoying issue where my character's head color does not match the body color, here is the issue :


Grey/white face (happens almost all the time)





Black/dark face (happens sometimes)





I use the CBBE body, and I also tried texblendlite from caliente but it did nothing. I tried face mods but they also did nothing (Nuska real skin, coverwomen, etc). I use Better Females by Bella. I can provide a list of my mods but it would be long, i have a good amount of them. I had this issue with my old computer which had a NVIDIA graphic card (forgot model sorry) and i still have it with my new computer which has a Radeon HD 7650M.


Also sorry if my english is bad, it's not my main language.


If anyone could help me, thanks.

Edited by demonscream
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Looks like you're using Apachii hair. If you're also using Spewed's Apachii hair on NPC mod, then you should add the color mismatch fixes on the downloads page. There's one for humans and one for elves. There's a readme on the mod page showing you how to do it yourself if you prefer. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15411 Edited by cxgdarch
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I'm not using the NPC overhaul, there's only my character who have a discolored face. I'm gonna try what Jair said. It does not work.


Also uninstalling ApachiiSkyHair and changing my character via the showracemenu fixes the color. What should i do to get ASH to work?

Edited by demonscream
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I didn't manually install it; I also used the installer that runs via NMM, but any time I make a change or addition to my appearance mods I always uninstall/reinstall CBBE and Apachii Hair. You may want to do that just to be sure. Also worth noting - when I saw the issue with discolored faces, it was never on my character; it was always NPCs only. Sounds like you have something going on that I don't know how to fix, sorry.
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  • 4 years later...

Im having the same problem, all NPCs have different textures for face.


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Usual fix for discoloration issues: Reinstall your body textures. Make sure to use a complete set of textures. Don't mix and match.


Since you got "HDT bounce and jiggles": Did you use a texture fix from this site? If so, double-check that it's the right one and you're using textures of the same version. What I mean by this: Don't use e.g. head and feet of Version1.3 of texture Mod XY, if the "patch" is for version 1.5...


On a side note: I see you're still using outdated unofficial patches. Use USLEEP instead: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?

Make sure to get USLEEP compatible versions of your NPC replacers. Using NPC replacers with the "wrong" version of unofficial patches can cause discoloration issues.

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