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Vendors not showing up at their storefronts & other NPC AI problems...


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HEY there people..!!


Don't know if this has been addressed before, but starting a few days ago, an issue arose where vendors would suddenly be too damn lazy to work.


I don't quite remember the precise point this began or how it works exactly, but sometimes I'll see them wandering around town. I could approach them and talk to them and make a purchase/sale like normal, (or when it's after hours, get a typical rejection), but for some reason they don't seem to remember the way to San Jose.


This seems to have been affecting the world wholesale, rather than in a single area, as I've also witnessed this in Fourville, which is a custom cell from Seddo's excellent Fourville quest mod, and possibly even a little bit of it in MunkySpunk's [just-as-awesome] Bleachers expansion in Diamond City. NPCs would be out and about during times they should be stationed at their stores; another trend I've seen is for, when I engage in dialogue with them, some of them to constantly turn away from me then back then away again and proceed to do this for the duration of the dialogue process like a swivel door.


I will try to conduct some selective mod uninstallations and see what's up, etc. But I was just curious if anyone mighta come across something like this before, and whether it's commonplace or not or has an established cause.


Either way, while I try to get to the root of this (or just become distracted and give up midway), I do have a copy of my current active mod/load order at hand, luckily...



0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 AAF_STATS.esm
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 SimSettlements.esm
10 a WorkshopFramework.esm
11 b AAF.esm
12 c FO4HHS_AAF.esp
13 d Censor_Comments.esp
14 e PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp
15 f SLAPPY.esp
16 10 Witcher - Geralt's Prologue Gear.esp
17 11 Armorsmith Extended.esp
18 12 3DNPC_FO4.esp
19 13 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
20 14 sectorv.esp
21 15 AlootHomePlate.esp
22 16 Homeplate_Sound.esp
23 17 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
24 18 Depravity.esp
25 19 FarHarborStory.esp
26 1a AA FusionCityRising.esp
27 1b Vault4.esp
28 1c SimSettlements_XPAC_Conqueror.esp
29 1d Firelance2.5.esp
30 1e DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
31 1f Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
32 20 APC_Mobile_Base_v1.3.esp
33 21 CheatTerminal.esp
34 22 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
35 23 ProjectValkyrie.esp
36 24 ProjectHelljumper.esp
37 25 LNDatingTheCommonwealth.esp
38 26 sisterofbattle.esp
39 27 LString_Bow.esp
40 28 1TIL.esp
41 29 CBBEHeadRearFix.esp
42 2a C_VWAS.esp
43 2b VisibleWeapons.esp
44 2c BogartNick - Gen 2 Stubble.esp
45 2d MiscHairstyle.esp
46 2e Ghost.231346.231346.esp
47 2f Krisa.esp
48 30 Yennefer.18B5F6.esp
49 31 With.225B69.esp
50 32 Triss.23134C.23134C.23134C.23134C.esp
51 33 Ellie.23134B.esp
52 34 Lora.18B5F7.esp
53 35 Lin.231349.231349.esp
54 36 Lima.225B6A.225B6A.225B6A.225B6A.esp
55 37 Heather.18B5F3.18B5F3.18B5F3.esp
56 38 cute.231348.231348.esp
57 39 Jodelle.23134A.esp
58 3a Atomic Lust.esp
59 3b CBBE.esp
60 3c LooksMenu.esp
61 3d Smoke-able Cigars.esp
62 3e Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
63 3f AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
64 40 AAF_SEU.esp
65 41 CasualCombatOutfit.esp
66 42 FlirtyCommonwealth.esp
67 43 FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp
68 44 KSHairdos.esp
69 45 Roxy.225B68.225B68.225B68.225B68.225B68.225B68.esp
70 46 Lexxa.225B67.225B67.225B67.225B67.esp
71 47 KSHairdos_oel.esp
72 48 LMBTOverlays.esp
73 49 RohZima_RealAnimatedPoses.esp
74 4a SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
75 4b tdaFO4 Vanilla.esp
76 4c Campsite.esp
77 4d Pet - Call -Feed Dogmeat.esp
78 4e Cait moira.esp
79 4f MiscHairstyle for children.esp
Common Children.esp
80 50 rpampas.esp
81 51 CCOFoxyFactionsReplacer.esp
82 52 CCOSaucySettlersReplacer.esp
83 53 CCOVulgarVillainsReplacer.esp
84 54 FO4Hotkeys.esp
85 55 VtawWardrobe4.esp
86 56 WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
87 57 R91M.esp
88 58 Fallout 4 - New Postapocalyptic Soundtrack made by Orkus - FIX.esp
89 59 Rage_parasite_suit.esp
90 5a Rage_XOF_armor_pack.esp
91 5b VtawWardrobe2.esp
92 5c _CustomPort Fox48.esp
93 5d DiverseChildren.esp
94 5e DavesPoses.esp
95 5f [W0LF]_EVA_RECON.esp
96 60 SettlementMenuManager.esp
97 61 Assorted Revolutionary Capes.esp
98 62 AK74M.esp
99 63 llamaCompanionHeather.esp
100 64 ruined_simsettlement_faction_wastelanders.esp
101 65 FV20_DreadHG.esp
102 66 HK_MP5.esp
103 67 OWR_AOC.esp
104 68 _Gurl.esp
105 69 Journal.esp

Again this only really began a few days ago, the course of which included me newly downloading some big mods, including the aforementioned Bleachers, Crime and Punishment, and Depravity. Then again, maybe I only started noticing it recently and these shopkeepers have actually been neglecting their 9-to-5 for months. *shrug*
Ever still. I'm no expert on this stuff yet, but I'll see to switching some things around, on and off, et al, try to figure what works and what doesn't. A navmesh problem, a wider scripting problem, whatever it is, if anyone knows what might be the catalyst to all-a this, I would be quite grateful. Thx for yo' time..!!
Edited by Nardologist
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Sounds like something affected navmeshes for the whole game. In case you don't know, navmeshes are paths an NPC can take to get from point 'A' to point 'B'. If something messes with those, then the A.I. doesn't know how to get NPC to where they need to be. Usually, they toss and turn on the same spot while the game figures out an alternate route and NPC get zapped in place after an undetermined while if a new route can't be established. A second point can be an over-abundance in resources, but this usually only happens with settlers tending to crops, who stop tending their care when the WorkShop has too much food and/or water. Regularly empty each settlement's workshop of food, water and bottlecaps.


Tertio, there's a possibility you tinkered with daytime hours or changed the game's pace. But since the vendor NPC seems to react normally when spoken to, this doesn't seem to be the case. My gut tells me something went awry with navmeshes. It also tells me I need food, so I'm off grabbing a bite.

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I have found this mod helpful.



I've been using that sandbox mod but it doesn't seem to affect any of my vendors. It makes other settlers wander around more and go to the bar/diner or sit on a bench and have a rest and drink more often. Besides, I can't see how a mod that makes settlers wander around be helpful to make 'em stay put.

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It doesn't help them to stay put, but it helps to get them there in the first place:


"What has been done, I have expanded the radius of how far your settler can be assigned to an assignment from the workshop epicenter."


NPC movement is seriously FUed. They have trouble finding their way around corners. But this gives them a longer leash to run around on. It doesn't solve the problem, but it reduces it some.

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