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i need lots of turpentine


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as everyone has said, you can find turpentine in most "industrial" places, look for the janitors/maintenance rooms in sewers, undergrounds and ruins. I keep coming across wooden boxes (the open top ones) that are full of turpentine or detergent, sometimes they're kind of "hidden" on shelves and you have to drag them out (press Z while looking at the box).

Y'know, if they added the ability to wash clothes and strip paint, my character could become quite rich off the turpentine and detergent he's scavenged from the wastes. :blink:

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I was just running through Mama Dolce's factory near the Arlington Cemetery and I'm pretty sure I found some turpentine there. Also there was a hell of a lot of sugar bombs.
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if you need nuka quantums and lazy to find use this = player.additem 000284f9 # oh yeah and code givers? Dont serch the web for them they just give you lousy codes GECK is the way to go for finding codes just move you mouse over the item then the code will show up
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