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Reqs for new PC


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I am thinking about buying a new desktop PC and I was wondering if anyone could give me insight or recommendations on what the system specs. should be. I dont know much about computers. Also I would like to know what screen you would choose (I have no idea whats good or bad...). I want to be able to handle skyrim with good textures, no staggering, and basically a PC that runs skyrim smoothly.


Please, give me a hand!


I was thinking in the following:


Envidia GTX 660

8 GB Ram DDR3

Intel i5 3rd generation or i7 processor

Windows 7 64



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Whats your budget? What country are you in? Any parts you already have that you don't need to re-buy? (keyboard, monitor, mouse.... etc.) Comfortable building your own? (get a lot more bang for the buck that way.)


On budget I cant do more than 1500-2000 €

Country: Spain

Im buyin the PC whole, I only have a laptop (but I have keyboard and mouse...)

For screen I use my TV... I want to get a screen too.

I was planning on building my own computer


I was just planning to go to the store and "build" the computer with the technicians there, but I want to know beforehand what im looking for.


EDIT: let me add I want the PC to be more cheap than expensive. I guess that would be 1/2 tier...

Edited by elpuma77
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Windows 7 prof. 64

Nvidia GTx 660 2GB (DDR3-DDR5), or an ATI Radeon that seem to bo equally good but cheaper...any suggestions???

RAM 8-16 GB 2100 MHz

SSDD drive of at least 100 GB

Any suggestions for a screen??



ATI cards can be funky at times with games optimized for Nvidia like skyrim, but as of the newest beta driver they work AMAZING compaed to the issues they've been having. I have a 2gb 670 and my friend has a 2gb 7850. My card performs a lot better, but that's because his is a generation old. You have a large budget, I build my rig (with $130 monitor) for $1283, so unless prices in Spain are a lot greater or this shop your going to is charging a ton for labor, try to bump up that card. I recommend a 670 or a 7950, both will do great and have a difference in MANY (not all) games of a few FPS. Another friend of mine just built a 660 ti system a month ago and he is happy with it, but it's not where he wishes it was.


If your budget won't allow for a greater card (even a 660 ti) look into an ATI. They're cheaper and if you get a good 7850, you could overclock that card really well. Research will do you good there.




Unless you edit videos or have a strict need of 16 gb of ram, NO GAME WILL NEED IT. I cannot think of a single game that has used over 4 gb of ram and I have 8gb of DDR3-1600. Don't be fooled 16gb of ram won't increase performance, if anything it will give you a 16gb page file to suck up hard drive space. 2100mghz is a great speed, but if you could spend the money somewhere else save $20 and go with 1600 or 1800 as that won't give you as great of a performance boost in games (but again if you have a specific need for the speed go for it, or if you have a friend who has shown you 2100 mghz is worth it, go for it.)



I suggest you order this yourself and save the fees the shop may charge you. What size do you want? I'm using a 21.5" and it's BIG (compared to my old laptop's 17") A lot of people like 23", I personally don't, but that's opinion.

The most popular monitor on Newegg.com: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236052


It's 23.6" w/ a resolution of 1920x1080 (It's 1080p HD)

The delay is 5ms (you don;t want anything higher than 5ms or you'll notice a sort of "lag" while gaming)

Out of 1,960 ratings, it has 1,467 five star ratings full of praise.


I didn't go with this monitor as it was $169.99 and I didn't think I would like the almost-24"-monitor. I got this one: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00413PHDM/?tag=pcpapi-20


Saved about $30 and I have no complaints. These are my suggestions, keep looking for other opinions though.


(Final Note)

Honestly, that build should do you fine. 2gb of vRam fetches a nice hunk of HD mods, but I found myself needing to remove a few (like 8k rocks). If you really can't build it yourself then that's fine, but realize you can easily save hundreds depending on this shop. Like I said earlier I built my rig for $1283 and got a GTX 670 in along with a monitor and OS. From a first time builder and months of researcher, it really wasn't hard at all to build - no rocket science needed.


But if you must order it, then that rig is fine with a few things to think about and I highly recommend either of the monitors I mentioned.

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