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Uploading to Nexus is so traumatic, I'm giving up on modding.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and published. Thanks to everyone who gave me the confidence needed to give it a go!


I'm giving up modding. I've not given up on modding!


"Make your mind up, CumbrianLad!"


I have made my mind up. There was never any doubt, except for the doubts that I had.


The reason? Not this forum, that's for sure. You have kept me going through all of it and for that I'm truly greatful. I thank you for your help and advice... no... This bit's still true... thanks to you all!


... it's because of the Nexus process for uploading mods.


The reason is that I've spent thousands of hours getting my mods to the point I felt that one was good enough to release... then I worked on that for many hours more, with great advice from people on this site. That was hard, but good. I learnt a lot on the way and finally believed in myself that I could make a great mod... so, I worked on it. I refined it. I tested it. I added to it and refined it again... weeks and months passed.I tested again... and again...then, I decided it was good enough...


... and then I tried to upload it to the Nexus. That tipped me over the edge.


The entire process was abysmal and painful for me, and quite frankly I can't accept it...


Images...I got to the stage of uploading my files, I spent hours making the main image right (1400 x 400 pixels, 400 kB) Each other image can be 8GB...What? so I have to make a 1400 x 400 pixel image 400 kB, but all 1920 x 1080 images can be 8MB and I can upload as many of these as I like? That doesn't make sense. Get a grip, Nexus, or at least get your maths right! If it's 1400 x 400, playing by the same rules, it should be max: 2.160 Mb, So my main image has to be 5x poorer than all the others... stupid).


Anyway, I get through to the last step and I can't even upload an .esp file. This is what tipped me over.


I see the 'upload files' section and it tells me it can only take rar, 7z etc. not .esp or ,bsa. for the love of the divines, Just what files do Nexus expect people to be trying to upload? So, I've got a freaking esp and 2 BSA files... can't upload such outlandish things to Nexus. I have to do what? Take my MBRVmanor.esp, MBRVmanor.bsa and MBRVmanor - textures .bsa and put them into a 7z, rar or whatever else file, just so you can convert them back again? I have to find a flipping tutorial telling me how to put my esp and BSA files into a format that the flipping Nexus will accept? For the love of Mara, what are you thinking? How hard can it be to upload esp and bsa files to a site that needs esp and bsa files?


It's like trying to give tyres to someone who sells tyres, and they say "Ah, well, we can't take those free tyres because they're not gift-wrapped in silk"


I'm quite frankly sick of the whole process.


P.S. You can't imagine how many times I re-wrote this. I am very anggry, but trying to be polite. I feel that if I'm not angry enough, people won't realise how upset I am. I just don't really like to do 'angry'.


AaaaaaaRrrrRgggHH! how's that? I really want to swear.

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Most modding sites only accept compressed archives such as 7z, zip and rar. The reason being is that they are compressed and take up less space on the servers. Most mod managers are designed to decompress such files. It isn't hard to do at all. Download 7zip. It is a free utility. When you install it, ensure that you let it add its options to the right click context menu. After that you can select your files, right click, select the 7zip option to create an archive. You can then upload that archive.


Furthermore, if Nexus were to allow ESP files to be uploaded, they'd need to allow every other file type for every other game that they host. By limiting files to 7z, zip and rar no one game gets special treatment over another.


As far as the size restrictions of the main image for your mod, this is because the Nexus is designed to work on multiple platforms and this particular set of dimensions works best for all of them.

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Thank you IsharaMeradin.


I have had a PM about this from another member.


your advice... oh, heck, forget the formalities, thank you for your help. I needed it. I'll carry on with it.


My daughter wouldn't be happy if I didn't, anyway... she did the voice-acting for my unique NPC. All I had to do was edit the pitch in Audacity to age her a touch. She's good.


Sent you a PM. It explains a bit.

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After so much work it would be a shame not to upload it !.

* I'm kind of in the same position as you... I've reached my boiling point and the only thing that keeps me going is that is 99.99% finished.

Unfortunately i don't have a kid to push me like you do.

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Thanks for all the replies.


Firstly, sorry for not replying sooner to any of you. I took a full day not even starting the PC! I probably look like I over-reacted. Heck to me it did, reading the post now. I just got so stressed out with the idea of putting my work up for anyone to see, download and criticize, not finding it easy to actually upload it was the final straw.


I've had a private discussion with a couple of Nexus members about it. In those I confessed that I have severe depression and anxiety and asked them not to spread that around. You know who you are and thanks. I've thought about that yesterday and feel that I want to mention it on this forum. Apart from anything else it helps to explain why I reacted the way I did.


When my anxiety gets triggered, I literally can't see any positive outcomes and it snowballs. So I don't know how to get the main image right and then I don't know if I can bundle up files into a zip. From there, I'll do that wrong and I'll get angry comments on the mod page. What if I can't handle that? Then I'll be letting people down. The description probably isn't good enough, anyway! I should just give up. That will be best all around...


... that's sort of how it goes, except maybe not quite so logical! Actually, thinking back it took me all of about 5 minutes to find a suitable screenshot, re-size it and put it in a format and quality to meet the criteria. If I'd got beyond the 'giving up' idea, a quick and simple post and Rasikko or another of you reply telling me how to do it. Normally I manage to down tools before I hit this stage. This time I didn't.


I've got to this point in the past and actually went as far as deleting the entire mod and not going near CK for months. Luckily, when I finally decided that creating stuff in CK was something I missed too much, I found a back-up with very little lost. I still use that mod to this day. This time I didn't even delete a single script, mesh or texture. Instead I had a moan about the process and waited for replies.


I'm going ahead and I'll just see how it all goes. If I keep running away from what scares me, I'll never get anywhere.


Thanks again, folks... here goes...

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It's alright man, I understand exactly where you're coming from, that's part of the reason I've never released any mods despite being an active modder for all of Skyrim's life.


I also think you were very excited to reach that point and the not-so-user friendly upload process kicked you off the mountain. Take it one step at time and you'll get there.

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