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morgoth ?


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Actually, this isn't a question that has been asked before, but it does not really fit in on this board - moving to Off Topic. It might be helpful to have a look at EoA (www.glyphweb.com/arda/) or to simply read the appendices to LotR to get some basic information - or you are lucky and someone has too much time and writes a long-winded post about who/what Morgoth is and how he/it can be compared to Sauron.
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oh and...







You dare to soil the revered tradition of the Fishy Stick!!! How DARE you!!!


*Bowls UberBender over with a massive blow from the Staff of Blinding Reality*

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Yeah right...you can't just go giving Fishy Sticks to everyone who walks in and acts like a n00b - how the hell am I meant to be able to feed the DA then?
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sorry oh great Cmac and Dark0ne! Never shall i be loose with the fishsticks again! I meant no harm to the sacred worship of the almighty Fishysticks! I shall jam a fork in an electrical socket for my wrongdoing!


edit: oh wait i cant find the socket because im blind. o well

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