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functional cars to use!!!


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Since I keep watching these cool designed nuclear powered cars all rusting in the wasteland, I guess it would be cool that somebody created a mod where you find some guy who runs a workshop with well conservated and restored pre-war era cars, and if you do a mission for him he rewards you with a fully functional car, to chill out riding the wastelands with a full trunk to store goodies and a nice radio to rock galaxy radio at full volume while you lcruise fast by the terrain.


Since I guess clipping and collision detection would be a pain in the ass, I guess it would be necessary to make the cars without wheels, just with some engine that makes them levitate a few inches from the floor, which I think matches good with the alternative nuclear power for everything era that fallout world is.


In the car you should have space for one or more companions, alternating this mod with a mod that allowed you to have three companions, it would be nice to travel around wasteland with your own small warband chilling in your nuclear powered 57' chevy belair.


Since there's not a single horse, brahman or anything you can ride to travel faster, I guess any transportation method would be nice.


We got dragons in oblivion, let's get some muscle detroit atomic iron in fallout :thumbsup:

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People do care about this (a lot) there are several other threads about this it might be a better idea to post in them since they are already popular, I think people are also getting kind of tired of a new vehicle topic popping up almost every day.


Anyway that is just my guess.

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I'm interested in contributing if someone figures out how to pull this off.


I've done some modeling and skinning in the past, like this for a bf42 mod: http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr220/gitoffame/cmv1_HRS21.png

I'm not a coder, and I would need to get an idea of suitable triangle counts / texture sizes etc. The budget I was working with on this one was 3000 triangles, and a single skin texture of 1024x1024. Is 5000 a good number? Should I go higher? I'd hate to create a model only to find out I could've used more polies if I'd wanted, or find out that I'm over budget. Knowing the specs on the pack-brahmin models would be a nice starting place.

Anyway, I'm not really interested or qualified to work on implementation of this, but I'd like to offer some models to the cause. I figure it would be a fun way to add some meat to my portfolio.


Suggestions as to what vehicles you people would like to see are welcome as well.

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Im almost certain theres another thread about this.

Wait for geck..

But im not sure if this will be possible, mainly because there isn't anything to build off of. Oblivion always had horses, meaning there was always the option to have quicker then running transport.

Now in FO3 we have nothing. Nothing but the badly mangled shoes on our feet.

But it makes sense at least ONE car would survive, and the schematics for a car would be somewhere. You can peice a car out of a lot of poo suprisingly. Im sure we could manage that if anyone complains about the "lore" of this task.

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You can sit, and I bet you can make chairs move based on a script, so its therefore somewhat plausible.


As to model poly, 5000-8000 for a complex model is generally what commercial modelers aim for, even less is better, because most of the non-backbone detail (that isn't lost unless you've maxed out your graphics and are studying something with a magnifying glass on a 60cm screen) was always in the texture and also now are in the normal/parallax/etc maps.

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I'm no modder but my ideas are this:


either use the tranquility lane cars and add colour or,

use the designs of the destroyed wasteland cars (mainly the ones less damaged) to have different models and retexture them.


Also I think it would look cooler (and maybe also better for collision deection issues) if the cars were rebuilded to float a few inches from the floor, instead of having actual wheels.


As for the guy who asks about which type of cars, I'd love them to be the old fashioned 40-50's era that appear on the game, more than 70's musle car types showed in his post.

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To be honest, this has been discussed alot, and is 10000x harder then u think its might be, its probably going to require a team to work on,


~ models

~ textures

~ animations ( not just the car, the PC has to enter exit, the effects with the current terrain, reflections etc )

~ Physics

~ Npc interaction ( companions etc.. )

~ a whole shed of problems to work out = make the car not disappear once u enter/exit a town etc.


list goes on, and to be honest , lets face it, a car will get you across over about %2 of the map before you fall into a ditch and have to exit and walk... the terrain isn't exactly car friendly.


Not to mention the things you would miss not walking, random npc quests ( the kid outside the mart for the quest "Those!" for example), misc items laying around etc., it doesn't seem worth it to me.


What id rather see is the option to get a caravan Brahmin like the traders have to hold your stuff.


I'm not trashing your idea, but its been discussed since the game was launched. hopefully with G.E.C.K someone can import the oblivion horse, maybe in future a dirt bike or something.

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