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Crashes and BOSS


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I recently was able to get Dawnguard for Skyrim and was going to try it out. But as soon as the Bethesda title disappeared the game crash. After repeated attempts I decided to try BOSS and is if that would work. However when started it would come up with a window that said:




Copyright 2009-2012 BOSS Development Team

License: GNU General Public License v3.0


v2.0.1 (6 April 2012)




General Messages




* Evaluation of conditional ""http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666 CBBE female body" or "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709 DIMONIZED UNP female body"." failed!



When that came up I guessed that the new Dawnguard dlc changed something with the models that messed up my installation of CBBE, so I uninstalled CBBE and then started the game without it. It still crashed and when I tried BOSS again it said the same thing. So I decided to uninstall all my mods to get it to work. After I did that the game worked again,albeit it looked horrible :P. It still had my manually installed mods active so those were fine. However I didn't know how the Dawnguard story started, as I didn't have a quest log entry about it when I loaded a character, who was bald and naked (without any sort of texture as it looked like putty and yet the but was bear and still seemed to have some CBBE parts still active). Anyway I tried running BOSS to see if it would still say the same message and found that it still did, even though the mod was disabled. So I thought I would message here before installing my mods again to see if anyone knows if this can be fixed or if this is a problem that is happening with the current version of BOSS.

Edited by Majorshepard
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