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Everything posted by Majorshepard

  1. Good to know, thanks! I decided to try it out and so far it seems to work perfectly fine in place of FNIS, which is a relief. If anything does come up I'll update here :D
  2. A quick update: So from where I've asked other areas that have responded it sounds like it does? Something about it creating a FNIS esp so they do work it also has a feature where it auto-updates itself unlike FNIS where you have to generate itself each time there's an update to a mod it uses. Interesting, I might try it out and just see if it does but if anyone can give more info before I do it's welcome ^-^
  3. I need help getting information about this and thought best to ask here, as it doesn't seem available anywhere with an actual forum or something: If I swap to Nemesis will it work for every mod that requires FNIS to run? Or will I need to do a complete mod clear of things that require it? Which are quite a few. I want to be fully informed before I make any sort of decision as I was going to just keep using FNIS and use mods that use Nemesis in a limited capacity, but after learning the creator has left its making me consider switching. FNIS will rapidly start to break/not work as it required almost constant updates for updates/new releases of other mods. Its fine as is now but at some point it will just not work anymore. I have been trying to find out myself but I keep hearing conflicting things about whether the mod works out the box with everything or it doesn't work with FNIS required mods. So any people that have switched over and know if it does or not, or just experienced modders that can easily tell, please let me know! Much appreciate :D
  4. Well heres to trying the final giveaway of the year! Good luck everyone!
  5. Oooh hope I can win this one, but good luck to everyone else :D
  6. I never win but might as well try when there is a chance to. Good luck yall.
  7. I missed the last one so hopefully I can actually have a chance this time xD Good luck yall!
  8. As a heads up the problem is still there however it is less noticeable without an extra lightsource as the Dawnbreaker or Lantern. And as for Oghma Infinium Texture issue I actually looked into the locations the game were looking for texture of the book and found that there were no such files there o.O. I searched the entire Installation location and found that none of the textures were there anymore, I am not sure if it's missing in the default game or a mod deleted them but that is very weird. I've downloaded replacements and named them the same as the ones in SSE and I'll check to see if that works. Update: It did work and the book now displays the correct textures now, no errors as far as I can tell anyway. So scratch one problem off the list! :D
  9. From what I can tell it seems to be when I look in very specific spots, like there is an invisible object floating in the air, even if its behind a wall or set of stairs. This was most apparent in the college of winterhold as when I looked above the well in the mage quarters and to the left the walls in the stairway would go black as shown. However looking jsut a little bit to the right it would make it normal. Its like there is a box floating that is casting the shadow effect. As for the lightsource carrying I do have wearable lanterns installed but for the images I took, and most of the game, I am carrying the Dawnbreaker. I use a mod called Daedric Dawnbreaker that makes it cast light in the area, I haven't actually checked to see if this occurs without it equipped. As another thing I noticed, at least recently, none of the lighting problems happen in the open world. It is only in buildings or the cities that I've seen it occur, or at least its most notable. I've never noticed it happening outside in the forests or tundras. Update: Ok so I just tried unequipping Dawnbreaker and trying it without it and the problem actually stopped o.o. I guess with the extra light from the weapon is making it go over the limit, even tried with the travel lantern and a normal torch makes it that also happen. I guess I should just step away from those for the moment until the problem is somehow fixed.
  10. Ah I see, the ELFX creator said the same about the lighting issue when they replied, also that I could've missed meshes when i installed. But if that was the case why would RLO have the same problem, the Light limit seems the problem, at least for now. For the load order it is sorted with LOOT and they are all in the placements it used, I just listed the mods I had in my list and not the plugins (so then everything is shown rather than just ones with plugins). I'll check for conflicts, I thought LOOT also checks for those but I'm not sure if thats reliable. I might be able to use SSEEdit to see if there are any conflicts I'll have to look it up. As for dangling references how do I check for, and fix, those? As for the Sinding issue I couldn't see it on the main page or the posts/bugs. He gets a lot of comments so it might've been lost amongst it all :tongue:. Since the last time for Whiterun it hasn't happened again, very weird. For Faralda I have moved too far along into the game to go back and fix it for my current save but I'll check it for future ones. Update: As a question i recently remembered about Wrye bash and Bashed patches and was wondering if they fix mod conflicts? Or if they are only for reducing mod list size for the oldrim "255" limit. I'll still apply it for now to see if it alleviate any of the issues I'm having. Update 2: Ok so a bashed patch did not fix the lighting issue. Gif of Lighting issue (After Bashed patch):
  11. I did not, I figured I wouldn't need to as both mods seem to have the issue. But it might be a good Idea, I'll give it a try.
  12. Still having the main issue occur and in some areas it gets pretty bad with entire areas going dark for no real discernable reason. Maybe I'm the only one that has ever had this issue lol
  13. So the main issue I have right now is with lighting in the game. Most of the time it's fine, there are no issues and lighting works. However in some indoor locations the lighting seems to not affect specific areas until I move really close to the area in question. Like a corner of the room all of it will be black and dark until I walk up to it and the lighting 'Pops' into existence. Walking away from the area brings the issue back. I originally thought it was ELFX causing the issue so I replaced it with RLO but the issue still remains. There's even cases of black stripes in some locations on floors that sometimes stay around even after I move close (but those are rare). I don't know if its a mod conflict or the game itself but it gets really distracting when you're in a well lit room but the left side is completely dark. Screenshots of issue: Mods: Computer specs Minor Bugs Minor bug images
  14. wow that actually worked, I can't believe it was that simple xD It is a little weird that texture mods can be the culprit for a crash but its ea what can i say. I did try doing just one, the Halla doors, but that didn't work so it must be one of the others listed. Cheers for the help Ghost!
  15. Ok so I am currently going through the trespasser dlc, which seems to be full of problems. I have come across being stuck on loading screens, black screens during party selection and straight up enemies not moving. Now I am having a issue which doesn't seem to be passable. I have been trying to enter the Eluvian 'Marked by the bookcase' but each and every time I enter it on the second loading screen the symbol freezes and nothing happens. I have tried: Restartinglowering all graphics to the lowestremoving the 60fps fixrepairing the gamedeleting the patch folders made by the DAI Mod Manager and repairingChanging the resolution to fullscreenNone of these things have worked and I can't get through that mirror without it crashing. Has this happened to anyone else? IS there anything I can do to fix it? Or is the dlc permanently broken? Mods:
  16. Ok just tried playing my original save with all plugins unticked and it does nothing. My game still CTD's on entry into the Tavern. My guess is that I uninstalled a mod at some point before now that caused this error, as when I start a new test character and headed to the tavern it will load no problem with all plugins enabled. SO it looks like I will have to start my game again, but at least I can now skip the intro thanks to Vlaka. Thanks a lot for the help :D
  17. Do you know if they Skip Helgen as well as have a different start position? I just want to skip the intro and escaping Helgen :P
  18. Ok I just tried doing a tried run on a new save using Quick start - Skip the opening sequence and quickly traveled to dawnstar. I went into the Inn and lo and behold it worked with no problems. I tried loading my main save but it CTD as soon as the loading screen came up, and when i disabled the mod and loaded the save everything was black after loading. So obviously I might have broken my save and have to start the game over AGAIN! I will still try Vlaka suggestion to untick each mod but if that doesn't work...well it would time to remake my main again, skip to the level I am currently at, get all my gear back and start doing the quests again. I have a question though thats a bit off topic: Does anyone know of a mod that allows you to skip the intro of the game? The one I used is apparently only good for testing the game and not actually playing as it causes issues. Is there one that you can use that gets you everything you would get when playing the intro, causes no issues with quests or states (e.g. not checking the Helgen destroyed flag, who I sided with etc.) It gets kinda boring to repeatedly do the intro everytime this my game crashes or i make a new character.
  19. Here is the last part of the payrus log:
  20. Here is the Loot Log: I tried adding this to the first post but it was taking ages to upload it so i had to put it in a separate post and upload the log file rather than cut paste. I also just tested the game again and those black criss-cross squares disappeared. I don't use an ENB i use SweetFX, last time I used an ENB it broke my game :tongue:.
  21. yea the post uploaded before i finished it, so I'm actually still in the middle of writing this post out :P I am using bashed patch. everything else seems to work its just Dawnstar thats causing the issue.
  22. I recently been trying to play skyrim again but have been coming across some problems that cause my game to crash. Everytime i enter the Jarl's house or the Inn in dawnstar my game CTD. With the Inn it CTD's all the time during Loading, but with the Jarl's house it CTD's AFTER loading and when I load the game up again I will be inside the house with no problems. That must've happened because it managed to autosave just before the crash. I find i can leave the house with no problems. I have tried entering all the other buildings in dawnstar and they work fine, no problems whatsoever. There was one thing though when entering Selas Vesalius's house his display cases and Clothes didn't load the textures so they were bright pink/purple. This has happened before though and it usually goes away when i reboot skyrim. But i thought i should let you guys know just in case it is a symptom or a cause of the CTD's. I also had one instance where I had black squares amongst some grass and next to trees, some of which were laid in a criss-cross shape. I'm guessing this means grass textures didn't load properly. I haven't had that one happen before. For more info here is my current list of Mods: I'm using NMM for my mods but if I find that i have to reinstall Skyrim for the fifteenth time I will switch to Mod organiser which everyone says is much better to use. I've had enough of NMM messing my games up.
  23. I am still getting the same problem as before. Game loads to main menu but no selections appear. No New Game, Settings etc. The music is playing and everything else but I cannot do anything. I can't even Alt-Tab out or close it until I actually Switch user profile and log straight back in to get my mouse back. I'm up to the UI segment and got to the UIO part and when I test it that's when the problem occurs. I even tried it out before I even did the UI mods and it did it then too. What is causing this issue?!
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