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face exchange


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Is it possible to make a face exchange program for FO3? There was one for oblivion called oblivion face exchange lite, very useful for making companions, transferring faces (so you have use in another save game), etc.


Thanks 4 reading

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It would be awesome if that program could be converted for use with Fallout 3.


I tried to contact the author but all attempts have failed. (old email address fails, PM box is full, does not reply to mod comments anymore)



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there is a way to do this in the console,


basically, make sure the npc u wish to change, is in view, then open up your in game console.


Select your character, and at the top you'll see an ID number, note it down. ( for this example im going to use 1111111 )


then , select the npc you want to clone your face to, and type


matchfacegeometry 1111111 -1



this should replce theyre face with yours, using the commands


ShowRaceMenu / changesex


you can change every npcs face to how you want, BUT i would advise to save before every attempt to clone, as sometimes it comes out less then perfect.. lol.

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