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how to change or where can I download HUD Status Bars

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Both have readmes and guides (for HUD Status Bars look in the folder 99 Docs\docs ... for HUD Status Bars Enhanced look in the Docs folder). If there is something specific in those you don't understand ask.

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Both have readmes and guides (for HUD Status Bars look in the folder 99 Docs\docs ... for HUD Status Bars Enhanced look in the Docs folder). If there is something specific in those you don't understand ask.

there is one guide I don't understand he says


Your mod is "MySuperFantasticMod.esp", and it needs to show a "Wonderful" bar.
Create a text file called "MySuperFantasticMod.esp.ini" in the "Data\Ini\HSBE" folder.
In this file, create the "Wonderful" bar (in the same way you normally create a bar in "HUD Status Bars.ini").
If your esp is active, "MySuperFantasticMod.esp.ini" will be automatically loaded, and you'll see your "Wonderful" bar!
If your esp is active, but the ini is not there, then nothing bad happens.
Any player can decide to play with/without the ini, and HSBE will take care to check the ini and load it.
If either HSBE is not running or the ini are not installed, then your mod will still run perfectly.
This means you don't need to implement any check, nor change anything in your mod.
so is that mean I need to create MySuperFantasticMod.esp or how to do this it's just the first time I'm downloading the mods and I really want to make my Status Bars beautiful
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If you were a mod author and wanted to add support to your mod for a HUD bar showing something (in the example you want to show just how much "wonderful" your "Wonderful item" currently has) then all you need to do is follow the steps outlined. Because as the mod author you would know what variables in your mod keep track of the current amount of "wonderful" your item has you would know what needs to be tracked by HSBE when you set up your "MySuperFantasticMod.esp.ini" and then you would offer that as an optional download on your mod page.


I can't tell from the picture you posted what style of HUD Status Bar you are looking for. The HUD Status Bars mod page has some pictures showing the various styles it has to offer (and there are some user submitted pictures showing what some of them have done in their own games).


Most of what you are reading in HUD Staus Bars Enhanced - User guide.txt is aimed at mod authors and experienced, advanced users.


Start with HUD Status Bars readme.txt then move on to HUD Status Bars user guide.txt to learn the basics (both found in the HUD Status Bars extracted download's 99 Docs\docs folder). Install HUD Status Bars using just the 00 Core and one of the 01 level folders (e.g. 01 Vanilla style). Compare what you now find in the installed HUD Status Bars - base.ini and HUD Status Bars.ini (found in the Oblivion\Data\ini folder) with what you read about in the HUD Status Bars readme and guide. Experiment with changing some of those values to see where different elements move to in your game screen.


We all start out the same ... wanting to run a marathon (and win) when we still hardly know how to crawl and roll over. First learn to stand, then walk, then run and then train until you can run 26 miles. Maybe then you could win a marathon.

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