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Overlord armour and Items?


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I was wondering if anyone is able to make armour and weapons from the Overlord game series? As I think the armour would look awesome in Skyrim :D Imagine walking up to some guy wearing this: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2008/08/overlordmain.jpg


or this: http://junkiegamer.com/wordpress/wp-content/gallery/overlordii-971/Netherworld_Overlord_Suggestive.jpg

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Oh I found that one before but for me its too customised to the creators taste, don't get me wrong it is a good looking modjust not for me. Its also only the first overlord armour and I couldn't find one for Overlord 2, which would fit more into Skyrim cause the 2nd one is based in a snowy place :P Thx tho Edited by Majorshepard
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