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Head turn / face NPC's


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I wonder if it's just me, but I can't seem to see my PC turn his head to face NPC's who pass by or who he stands right next to.

The Player Character just stands still and stares into nothingness. Strangely in Oblivion the PC (and all NPC's too) had this feature with the NPC's even react to this by starting small non-focused conversations.


If it's possible, a mod to fix this (even if not 100%) would be awesome.

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Hmm really? Maybe in battle it works then, gonna check that.

But out of battle it definitely doesn't work. I'm standing right next to some NPC's who talk with each other, and my PC just stares straight through the wall, not noticing them. :/




NPC's seem to be able to face the PC, but not the other way around.


So a mod for that would be nice.

Also in Oblivion the PC changes its facial expression depending of its relation to the target. If he likes the NPC then he smiles for example.



Modders: Is this possible right now?

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