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I accidentally added that effect, i don't have immersive creatures and no it won't go away. It was 9aa46 and seams like it cannot go away no matter how much i try.

That code (xx09aa46) is for AbSprigganSwarm (green leaves swirling around the player), it is not the same effect.



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OK, but there are two separate spells that you have to add/remove. You only did one of them:


AbWitchLight: 8CDD1 (for the wisp under your feet)

AbWisp: 8CC8C (for the mist)



Nope, no go. Did both, the wisp is still under my feet.

I give up, the thing became hardcoded into my save or something.

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i have the conjure 2 dark shade minions effect on i found the id used the remove spell it said it was done but the effect is still on and it had a timer for 47,450 hours i cant do the quest to find the vampires mother for dawngaurd because of it i need help plz.

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@fullmetalmex: easy. Just wait for 47943 hours and the spell will wear off :smile:

Seriously though, which mod is that from? You should ask the mod author.

Or type in the console: DispelAllSpells

Edited by steve40
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Does anyone have any idea what this might be, and how to remove it? My active magic effects screen shows nothing that shouldn't be there. Here's my load order.


I thought it was just a random equipment effect at first. I can't remember when it began, and I unfortunately don't have my old saves to try to pin down a time or cause. I'm inclined to say that it started a few hours in, sometime around the time of the Murmulnir attack on the watchtower outside Whiterun? Could be wrong, though.



- An aura of small, pale cyan, amorphous blobs which quickly drift upward like ashes before disappearing.

- A very skin glow, also pale cyan.

- The blobs/bubbles/ashes trail behind when I run.

- A bunch of blobs are constantly floating up from my hands in first-person view, which is extremely distracting. There is also a small, constant crackling noise, like a spell.

- The blobs and skin glow are visible while underwater and in werewolf form.


It looks almost like the moth priest thrall effect mentioned on the first page, except the glow is significantly less bright, and there are a lot more floating blobs. For what it's worth, trying the "addspell"/"removespell" method with the moth thrall effect didn't help.

A few other things I've tried:
- Removing all my equipment—No effect. Although I still have the following irremovable quest items in my inventory: Aeri's Note, Amulet of Talos, Gauldur Amulet Fragment, Meridia's Beacon, Nurelion's Mixture, Pelagius' Hip Bone, Sylgja's Satchel, Tolfdir's Alembic, Unusual Gems.
- The commands "resurrect 1", "dispelallspells" and "removeallitems" commands targeted toward the player—No effect.
- The "showracemenu" command—The floating blobs were still visible, but they stopped moving. When I left the character creation menu, they began moving again as normal.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!
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Oh nuts, now Frea has the poison bug:( IDK, maybe this is not right forum for this effect but I was able to avoid the 9hr poison bug with a well placed reload but she was not so lucky and it appears she will be crawling behind me for the next 9 hrs which usually works out to be at least two days:(

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