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Reading through the thread, it looks as if I can 'resolve' my issue, or at the very least identify what effect is giving my character his aura...




So far;


- Disabled ALL mods / updates

- Standing Stone(d) myself a few times

- Resurrect(ed) player

- player.dispelallspells

- player.removespell (various IDs)

- player.sms (various IDs)


I think I am just missing WHAT is affecting the character, rather than how to remove it... if anything, it looks to be more of a 'blessing' than an ailment...


EDIT #1 : This looks to be similar to the 'Sovengarde Hero' glow, but I've not yet visited the place... is anybody able to confirm or suggest otherwise (or if this is possible)?


EDIT #2 : I've applied the bugfix script for the 'Sovengarde Hero' glow with no change :(

Edited by sgnls
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  On 9/9/2013 at 12:12 PM, steve40 said:



Do you use USKP? I've just noticed that USKP has made changes to the Draugr script which prevents the player.addspell/player.removespell trick from working. You may need to disable USPK before trying the fix, then re-enable it after applying the fix.


- download the "_bugfix_DraugrFXScript.rar" file attached to the bottom of this post.

- extract the fixed scripts from "_bugfix_DraugrFXScript.rar" to your Skyrim scripts folder.

- start Skyrim and load your problem savegame.

- In third person, open the console and enter "player.addspell F71D1" [don't type the quotes]

- Close the console

- Open the console again and enter "player.removespell F71D1" [don't type the quotes]

- Close the console.


Let me know if it works. Cheers.

Thank you very much, this worked. :)

It mostly bothered me because if I moved/turned quickly, I'd get blue streaks across my screen from the eye glow -- distracting when trying to aim a bow. XD

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Huzzah! After (eventually) installing 'Director Tools', I was able to find and remove the little sh*t!




It looks to be the 'ArgonianHistHealFXS'... somehow it's been applied or perhaps some magic mod initiates it as some sort of effect on the player.

Either way, I'm happy that this was identified. I'll play around and see if it really IS that effect in case it helps anybody (johnnyhaggis and thegrimfandango seem to have the same effect applied, if it's not too late to save them!).


(As captioned, I had some issues getting 'Director Tools' to actually work; it would load the three items, but 'using' them didn't do anything. I added them to the 'Favourites' and quickkeys (as the mod dictates), though it's less clear that I needed to save and reload the game before mashing the quickkeys, yet, et voila...)


I wanted to fix it, but I wanted to find out WHAT it was far, far more :smile:

Edited by sgnls
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  On 9/21/2013 at 2:20 AM, steve40 said:


  On 9/20/2013 at 9:43 PM, UlithiumDragon said:

Did a quick search of this thread and didn't see this one yet, so it may be a new one:

I get the effect from touching the acid pools that the lurkers come out of in Apocrypha in the Dragonborn DLC every time I touch water now (no damage, just the effect and hissing sound):






DLC2ApoWaterDamageShaders (Magic Effect):


player.sme xx03CDBF (where xx = Dragonborn load order, usually 04) [CONFIRMED WORKING]




DLC2abApoWaterDamageActual (Spell):


player.addspell xx03784E (where xx = Dragonborn load order, usually 04)

player.removespell xx03784E



I had already gone back into Apocrypha and stepped into another of the same acid pools in an attempt to fix this by the time I read your post (which worked), but I loaded up an earlier save file and tested you fix, and that worked too. Thanks a lot! :D

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  On 9/23/2013 at 10:39 PM, sgnls said:

Huzzah! After (eventually) installing 'Director Tools', I was able to find and remove the little sh*t! It looks to be the 'ArgonianHistHealFXS'...

Post #19 in this thread:




A "boom" sound followed by white glowing edges around the player and faint white snow-like particles drifting upwards


ArgonianHistHealFSX: player.sms 10F4A9

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  On 9/24/2013 at 7:38 AM, steve40 said:


  On 9/23/2013 at 10:39 PM, sgnls said:

Huzzah! After (eventually) installing 'Director Tools', I was able to find and remove the little sh*t! It looks to be the 'ArgonianHistHealFXS'...

Post #19 in this thread:




A "boom" sound followed by white glowing edges around the player and faint white snow-like particles drifting upwards


ArgonianHistHealFSX: player.sms 10F4A9



Thanks Steve; I saw this when I first came to the thread but it didn't seem to work when I tried the player.sms method... At the very least, 'Director Tools' have allowed me to cycle through all the effects manually.

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  On 3/18/2013 at 10:21 PM, enpinion said:






To remove "Dragonnbsp;PriestEffect" (Purple smoke and glow eyes on feet)
1. Download my edited script.
2. Put "DragonPriestActorScript.pex" into "/Skyrim/Data/Scripts" overwrite the file if you need
3. Launch Skyrim and load your save file.
4. Press "`" Key to open the console.
5. Type "player.addspell 9BCCA" and press the enter / return key.
6. Press "`" key to close the console and press again to open it up.
7. Type "player.removespell 9BCCA" and press the enter / return key.
8. Close the console
9. Done!
About the script, I just add some lines which remove effects when the script end. so It will notaffectto the game. But If you want keep the script as clean, backup the original and revert it again.
-- Scripts what I add --
;enpinion edit
EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
edit : Images.


Thanks alot, this just saved my day. Excellent work.

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Hey I just found this thread after putting up with the blue Draugur eye glow forever, thanks so much for your effort on this !!! I apologize if this has been posted before, but one thing I wanted to suggest for anyone that may have tried these fixes to no avail...


If you have ever changed the sex of your character at any point, try changing back to the other sex before trying the add/removespell fix.


Here's what worked for me:


1. open the console, enter sexchange, close the console. (notice the body will change but the head will stay the same)

2. follow the steps for whichever add/removespell fix you need.

3. open the console, enter sexchange, close the console. (this will change your body back)


These 3 steps allowed me to keep my character's head customizations intact while getting rid of the bugged effect.


You could also use the showracemenu command to accomplish this but you will lose your head customizations, as did I on my first attempt.


I am guessing the disease effect was somehow connected to the original male version of my character because the add/removespell fix did not work as a female, it only worked after I changed it back to male. So I am only assuming it must have been the male character that contracted the disease. Now that I think about it, after I changed it to female, I did notice the bugged eye glow was slightly higher up on the female head above the eyes, than it was on the male, which could support that theory.


Anywhos, I hope this helps somebody...

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@fontaineswitch: the vanilla Draugr script is gender sensitive. You were female but had the MALE effect attached to you somehow. You need to use my fixed script :tongue: Edited by steve40
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  On 9/27/2013 at 11:52 PM, steve40 said:

@fontaineswitch: the vanilla Draugr script is gender sensitive. You were female but had the MALE effect attached to you somehow. You need to use my fixed script :tongue:

I used your script and it worked, thanks again for all your work on this stuff, this planet needs more steve40s.

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