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I've tried all the solutions said within the first post, including going to the Shrine of Kynareth and trying to remove all my spell effects and such there, but these two effects STILL linger on my character no matter what it seems.



Below is a picture of my Nord character, he was the very first character I had on Skyrim, I believe I started him the day Skyrim came out, and yet I still have him in my save files... But the reason I stopped using him was because this spell effect issue plagued him, and it was actually lagging my game slightly, which became too unbearable for me, so I began making other characters. And honestly... I miss him ;_; So if there's ANYTHING you guys can suggest I do, please do, I'm willing to test out any possible way to fix this. Thanks!



Edited by CrazyFreak
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Okay so I've been searching through this thread to see if I can find a solution to my problem but I could not find a fix. I have the problem with the Argonian Hist Heal mentioned on one of the first pages where there's a booming noise and snow-like particles appear. I removed the snow like particle effects as instructed however, every time I sprint, I still hear this booming noise and tiny white particles appear as shown below:



This only seems to happen when I am outside but it's very annoying. I don't care about the particles but the noise is really obnoxious.


Please someone help! I've tried using directors tools, using the temple shrine in the USKP and dispelling all my spells but nothing seems to work! I just want to enjoy Skyrim but glitches like this one are just ruining the experience.


Edit: I'm going to restart to get rid of the noise but a fix would be nice in case it happens again, thanks.

Edit 2: Okay tried restarting and it is happening on the fresh start as well...

Edit 3: Okay think it was the Momodash mod for anyone else who happens across this annoying problem.

Edited by xEnoshima
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Not sure if this is the right place, but I've got a problem where an effect isn't appearing when it should. I'm wondering if some other effect is taking up the FX slot (or something else) and therefore it isn't working.


Problem: Dragon Aspect does with 3 words of power does not show on my character. I have tried with different loads going as far back as level 14, and up to level 50. None of them show the dragon aspect armor. For low levels I had to artificially give my character the 3 words of power and 3 dragon souls. New characters work just fine though. I create a level 1 character, give them the 3 words of power, and it works great. Although my character does not have the glowing armor, she does having some swirlies stuff around her that kind of looks like the right color for dragon aspect armor.


I saw on page 1 commands for sme (stopmagicaleffect) and sms (stopshadereffect). I have no idea what the dragon aspect armor is classified as. Is there a way to test the dragon aspect armor effect directly? Is there a way to see what effects are currently active? I'm concerned something is happening, I just am not seeing it. I really don't want to reroll.

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I have had this black smoke that goes head to toes and appeared some point in the soul cairns.


I've tried two of the solution on this page like Cure batch file which didn't work and the dispelling of spells which also didn't work.

I also loaded a older save which was clean until i got into a battle and appeared again


It's becoming rather annoying can someone please find a fix to it.




Edit 1: Turned out to be a skeleton effect despite the lack of red eyes

Edited by Thesiris
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Hey, I have a similiar issue since quite some time. I think it comes with a mod (Fenrir the frost Wolf) and thus can't be found in your list. Also if I cure all my magic effects the visual effect still remains, even when uninstalling that mod the effect won't disappear. I really hopy somebody can help out. Here is a screenshot:


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