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I'm not sure if it's been listed here or not, but I have a bug plaguing me that I have not been able to remove. The bug is the white haze that appears when i transform into a werewolf has remained long after I changed back and it does not go away. I have USKP but it's unwanted effect remover doesn't work, and the removespell command does nothing either. Are the werewolf effect shader ID's posted here somewhere? If so would someone be kind enough to post a link to said page?

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I have looked through this thread and cant seem to find anyone with my problem. On my chars armor there is some kind of annoying frost cloak like effect. It only procs around enemys and wild animals. Not around friendlies at all. It is making sneaking really really difficult. I dont have any armor enhancement mods and none of the creature mods either. When I look at my toon in the console it says I have 202 active effects and I only count 164. Please help. Thanks

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  On 7/22/2014 at 6:15 PM, ololoshalb said:

hi everyone! help please with this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72vIek0_Pc&list=UUGQ4hmyc6OTS3t40cI9KfOA . I tried CureAll, player.DispelAllSpells and Directors tools, but its not works :confused: sexchange helps, but when i change view from 3rd to 1st person its backs again :confused:

http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/14268859-1406664544.pngdoes it look like this? cause I think I'm having the same problem, I thought it was a night eye effect that wont go away but I think you're right that its the effect from transforming into a werewolf. None of the dispelle console commands work, and to be honest I don't understand the Shader Cure All thing to give it a try but so far I haven't seen a shader for werewolf transformation either.

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  On 7/23/2014 at 8:43 PM, AstroFox624 said:

I'm not sure if it's been listed here or not, but I have a bug plaguing me that I have not been able to remove. The bug is the white haze that appears when i transform into a werewolf has remained long after I changed back and it does not go away. I have USKP but it's unwanted effect remover doesn't work, and the removespell command does nothing either. Are the werewolf effect shader ID's posted here somewhere? If so would someone be kind enough to post a link to said page?

http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/14268859-1406664544.pngdoes it look like this? cause I think I'm having the same problem, I thought it was a night eye effect that wont go away but I think you're right that its the effect from transforming into a werewolf. None of the dispelle console commands work, and to be honest I don't understand the Shader Cure All thing to give it a try but so far I haven't seen a shader for werewolf transformation either.

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Thanks to "maddrider". This Mod helped me

My eyes are glowing red and i don't got the "Immersive Creatures" mod and i don't understand how to fix this bug, help please

Mods I've got:

-A Quality World Map

-ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full

-Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2

-Custom Family Home - Custom Family Home

-Dine with Followers - DineWithFollowersV11

-Esbern Sound Fix - Esbern Sound Fix

-High Quality 3D Map - HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res

-Horse Armors for Skyrim - Horse Armors v1_5

-I Wash - New Skin for Skyrim - I Wash ver 93

-Lush Trees and Grass

-Mirai - the Girl with the Dragon Heart

-More Giants toes

-More gold in stores and from merchants - More gold in stores and from merchants

-Photoreal ENB - Performance - Photoreal ENB V1_2 MORE REALISTIC COLOURS_ENBLENS OFF

-Predator Vision - Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit - Predator Vision v 1_3

-Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3

-RaceMenu - RaceMenu v2-5-1

-Remodeled Armor CBBEv3M - Remodeled Armor 3_4

-Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR - Seasons of Skyrim ENB Data Folder UPDATE 3

-seq file to fix dialogue bug-9782-9-5

-Skyforge Weapons - Skyforge Weapons 1-0c

-Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Landscape

-SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators - SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators v1_37 Full Pack

-SweetFX Shader Suite - SweetFX 1_5_1

-The Coenaculi

-The Hairstyler - The Hairstyler v 1_4 Full Version

-Thief player home in Riften Canal - Canal Home - updated

-Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Unofficial High Resolution Patch

-W.A.T.E.R - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux

-Warchief Armor - Warchief Armor v6

-Wearable Lanterns - Wearable Lanterns 3_0b

-Werewolf Perks Expanded - Dawnguard - Werewolf Perks Expanded 1_6

-Werewolf Race

-Winter Is Coming - Cloaks - WIC Cloaks NMM 2_3

Edited by GluPanda
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I'm desperate guys, I just spent the last hour trying the various solutions to the bloody blue glowing eyes, nothing works. add/remove spell without USKP, removing all draugr abilities with help abilities 4, the cureall batch file, with and without SIC activated, I even installed director tools but can't get it to work... I'm on the brink of giving up, can somebody offer assistance to a fellow player who would like his high elf mage to look normal?

I know this is a recurrent issue but I've been through this post and tried all the solutions I could find, sadly to no avail.


EDIT: I found a fix which removes the glowing eyes from draugrs and skeletons as well as the player, here it is: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14598/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D14598%26preview%3D&pUp=1

Edited by maddridder
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