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This thread has been really helpful so far with all the magic glitches I came across. Sorry if this has been solved, but believe me I searched. I re-installed windows last week, and I started adding mods that I had previously to be able to continue older saved games. For some reason, my oldest save, started this weird blur effect on the edges with light changes, to normal, to dark Kinda looks like hypothermia, but no matter how warm I am, it still the same. My other save plays just fine. See screenshots: [/size]http://steamcommunit...24/screenshots/




hi everyone! help please with this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72vIek0_Pc&list=UUGQ4hmyc6OTS3t40cI9KfOA . I tried CureAll, player.DispelAllSpells[/size] and Directors tools, but its not works :confused: sexchange helps, but when i change view from 3rd to 1st person its backs again :confused:


http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/14268859-1406664544.pngdoes it look like this? cause I think I'm having the same problem, I thought it was a night eye effect that wont go away but I think you're right that its the effect from transforming into a werewolf. None of the dispelle console commands work, and to be honest I don't understand the Shader Cure All thing to give it a try but so far I haven't seen a shader for werewolf transformation either.

I think you might have the same visual effect as I do. I've tried all the fixes in this pages, but the radial blur still stuck and the contrast fading in and out is driving me insane. I isntalled a mod from the nexus that removes radial blur and it worked just fine, but I cant get rid of the contrast fading issue and its making me dizzy. I even tried cleaning the save form everything to no avail. This is my oldest save and I would hate to loose it just because I cant remove this effect.


Edit, I found a fix for this issue on another thread, type "teofis" into the console and voila, problem solved (at least for me).

I have had this happen a couple times now when I eat an "Eye of Wolf" (which has the Night Eye property). It is, I believe the Night Eye effect. It would linger seemingly permanently and makes the game pretty much unplayable.


Lucky for me your "teofis" fix worked like a charm!


*Poof*! No more night eye effect :)

The only issue is that you have to put the console command every time you start the game.

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This is what my character looks like. It started as a small mist that I kind of ignored but it continued to grow and grow and now I cant really even play the game at all. Since this I've started a new character but I thought maybe I could come back and fix it. I've tried the wispmother thing, because that's what I thought it was, but no luck. This has happened to several other of my characters, the death hound mist, the draugr eyes and such, just addspell and remove and it'd be fixed but this one is obviously something different. (p.s. My character is stripped because I was making sure it wasn't anything I was wearing giving the effect, and she's in T-Pose because I disabled most of my mods just to be sure.

Thanks for the future help :D


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Hello, guys!

I have two effects-related issues that I can't rid off:

1: well-known "glowing eyes" issue (This one is not very annoying)

2: dust/dirt myst between character's legs (see video below) - this one is very annoying for this reason:

When riding a horse, my character leaves dust trail



I tried "dispelAllSpells" and that didn't worked.

I tried adding-removing spell F71D1 to fix 1st issue and that didn't worked.

I haven't find picture showing effect similar to my dust-myst effect in this topic.


Please If you had that issue OR you know how to fix it let me know!

Pardon me for my bad english I'm russian. :mellow:


Also I had "DLC2AbAcolyteDragonPriest" effect but I DID manage to get rid of it using xx03911B (although I had to disable USKP first)

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I'm french and i really love this topic, what a good idea !

I've got a problem since few weeks but the solution is not in what you said.

I have post it on the official skyrim forum but no reply ....

Have you ever seen this magic effect ?





Since a quest in dawngard i have a big magic aura like snow or magic wind.

I don't remember if it was the quest when you save the phalene priest from vampires or the quest of the master of vampire's hunters.

It's horrible when i play and i really want to play with this character (i've just bought dragonborn DLC).


Thanks a lot for any help !


I have the same spell effect going on with mine, I made a youtube video of it a little bit ago if any one wants to take a look. It may be from dawnguard but I cant for the life of me figure out what spell effect it is. Thanks in advance to anyone who can throw me a bone here.



Heres the link to my bug:


I found no solution on the internet, you are the first person with the same problem than me...



I have the exact same problem as these two. I have a suspicion that the effect is related to the spell "Blizzard",and I'll be beginning my own search for a solution along those regards. If ANYONE has even a POSSIBLE fix for this,let us know IMMEDIATELY! The people I'm quoting have been waiting for quite some time. I even saw the OP make several posts after these,not even acknowledging their existence. Even a "Sorry,no idea" is helpful.



In case anyone was reading through this thread's 40+ pages (like I was) to fix this, your journey and quest is now but moments away from its end.


Took me awhile, but I tracked down the problem and the fix.
--- To Fix it ---
1. Open console, type in this without the first quote marks (but keep the ones around "blizzard dragon")
"help "blizzard dragon" 0"
2. Followed by (again, without the quote marks)
"player.placeatme <code of a blizzard dragon from previous> 1"
Slay the dragon, it should be fixed.
--- Reason the bug occurred ---
It comes from the "Dragon Diversified" mod (I'm pretty sure), and I believe what happens is when you run away from the dragon the effect sticks on you. Killing the dragon cancels out the effect.
I'm guessing the reason steve40's methods or Director Tools (which I tried) couldn't fix it was because it was a mod-based effect, and not a spell-based effect. I could be very wrong, I know nothing about Skyrim modding.
Perhaps steve40 would add this to the stickied post? Also, while your method didn't help me, I will say I'm very impressed by the level of support and dedication you've given to the numerous people and for collecting such vast amounts of data into one place for people to use.


Just wanted to say thank you! It was the "Dragon Diversified" mod. I just disabled the mod and it went away. I've been looking for 2 days now! Thanks so much!

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