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Hello. I'm having an issue with On Fire Active Effect.


It has nothing to do with the ghost ability either. I've gotten this issue after battling Alduin. I've only managed to successfully remove the visual effect.


FYI I have the World Eater Beater mod(which is great overall).


This active effect takes effect when I'm outside within certain parts of Skyrim mainly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any idea what this light aura is? Tried the dispel all fix, no luck. I think it might the effect from a poison trap - but that's just a guess. It's really faint, so it's not that big of a deal. Just rather not have it, if possible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Aright, I've nearly tried everything but I just can't seem to find the ID for this effect;




If anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it allot. It might be a mod though but I honestly doubt that.


* EDIT *


After installing some community patches because the Dawn Guard quests where bugged out, it miraculously disapeared.


It didn't just disapear after installing the community patches. Because when i booted the game after that it was still there. But after doing a few repetetive dawnguard quests it was just gone. I don't know if other people had this problem, but I hope this helps anyone that encountered it.

Edited by Geerterig
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've gone through every similar script listed on this thread, but can't find a fix for the bug I've managed to encounter. My character has picked up a smoke effect but it isn't from the Frost Atronach or any of the smoking dwarven automatons.


Link - This screenshot shows an odd spot in the animation where a row of points fans out from my character's shoulder.
Link - The smoke is concentrated around his feet, but does have wisps that fly up higher.
Link - It also has a pretty wide radius that it fills
Link - In 1st person mode. The longer I stand there, the more smoke accumulates and makes it almost impossible to see.
Link - I thought the effect came from bonfires and braziers and other large fires, but there isn't any heat shimmer visible on my character. (The blood you can see on him is from a blood textures mod that was working fine long before I picked up the smoke glitch.)
Link - Next to a brazier for comparison. The smoke on the fire is similar, but not as thick and includes a heat shimmer effect (which can't be seen in the screenshot unfortunately).
Someone said it looked like the ambient smoke in caves and such... can that effect even be randomly stuck to a player? Does anyone know how to get rid of this? (It doesn't seem to be the wisp mother effect because I tried the addspell removespell for that code and it only made the effect glow, when it didn't before.)
Edited by HawktalonOfRiverClan
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