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Hey there,


just liek everyone else here I have a bug which I seem to be unable to fix. I tried steve40's first 4 steps and also the wisp bug fixer but it doesn't seem to be the problem. Maybe one of you can find out which bug mine is. Thx a lot :smile:



If you have the unofficial patch, it adds a shrine to the side room in the temple of Kynareth in Whiterun that might help, it's called "Shrine of Cleansing - remove unwanted visual effects" or something like that.


Excuse me but I have the patch installed and the shrine is not there. This means that my patch is not working?


Answering to myself :


  • Ongoing reports, which we have NOT been able to validate in any way, about the unwanted effects book not being added to your inventory have been addressed. That book will now be found leaning against the bookshelf in the Temple of Kynareth. We feel this strikes a balance between having a second shrine object in there with the normal one and the fact that people don't want clutter on their lesser powers menu. This will be the last time we deal with this. If this solution offends your sense of immersion, too bad. If you think we should have been dicks and forced this in via an MCM, too bad, that cuts out too many people who could otherwise benefit from this being here. Any further reports on this subject will be ignored as this solution is as benign as it's going to get.


So there is a book in the right side of the temple instead of a shrine in middle (the book is in the floor). Just clearing this in case it helps someone

Edited by Luqheltod
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My game crashed when i tossed a detect life spell so now do my character glow as under influence of the detect life spell. I don't have any id for that effect, Most things mentioned here haven't worked so now is it the stuff which mean you need the shader id for to do left. So where can i find that ID, searches doesn't end up with any result.


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I know that I am EXTREMELY late to the party (well, not really if it it helps someone who has exhausted all other solutions) but disabling "EnableWetSurfaces" in my ENB seems to have done the trick... in case anyone is here another 10 years in the future wondering what setting to disable, as this can be a VERY specific problem with many different solutions so I doubt many people are having this issue.


Anyway, if I'm ever reinstalling my mods then who knows, maybe I'll end up here again after 10 years and see a few replies. Wish everyone the best. Peace.

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if there is anyone who is still struggling with the wisp thing, i managed to make it work moving the SCRIPTS folder into my data folder, so that the pex files were in scripts folder, and the .psc are in the source folder


"...\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\scripts\source"


basically like this


then i typed in the add and remove spell commands, and it worked.


i managed to figure this out by looking at the comments in this post for the same issue:



even though the post is for regualr skyrim, it did work for SE

Edited by F1RE66
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I believe I got this while doing Zahkris quest (Midwood isle mod), somewhere before the final battle. Probably, it was some blessing or else. First I thought the glowing will go away itself, but luck. Don't even have an idea what to do and Solution 0 didn't help.

The glow is bright yellow since my pic quality is quite shitty lol

Anyone with the same issue? Please, help!


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